Ragna put on an amused smile as he sat down in the middle of the street. " Oh how illustrious of you to hear my humble request." He winced slightly at the wound on his shoulder and the hole in his shirt. " You know. This was my favorite shirt. It is a shame now that it has a hole in it." He shook his head and turned his attention back toward the half-elf before him. " Ah so you are the Lydianna I am searching for. I have a few questions for you then a request of course." He shifted slightly before continuing. "Lydianna, Is Lydia fine? No...that isn't my question. Ah. Damnit..." He closed his ruby eyes and rubbed his temples. " I forgot my questions. Anyway." He stood up once more with the chain around his left arm uncoiling to the ground like a snake ready to strike. " In order of the demon kings personal request, and his purse, I humbly ask that you accompany me to his throne so that he may talk with you. You have my word that you shall not be harmed on the journey if you accept my aid. However if you deny me..." His voice was cut off by warning bells sounding along the walls of the great city. Instantly the walls seemed to flood with soldiers holding bows yet he could not hear what was being said. What you could hear though was an army outside of the city, More so running without order rather then marching. " The flood of demon soldiers comes here?" He cursed to himself before looking at the girl. "Lydianna, An army of demons are marching upon this city. You probably know from experience what the demonic armies do to the cities they capture, and what they will do to this one if they get through. In fact they don't have to get through. Rather they will use this as a...God damn it!" he let out a string of curses, yelling about a demon named Abaddon. As if on cue five hell hounds came bounding down the street towards him. " So Lydia, about my request. Would you please accompany me to the demon kings abode as well as draw away this demon menace from this city?" He favored her with a smile before whipping the chain out at the first hell hound to jump at him, the serrated edges tearing into the black matted flesh of the beast. With another practiced pull the beast was torn apart in a shower of blood and limbs and the chain was wrapping around the next one before it could bite at him.His free hand was around the throat of the third dog and the last two started to whimper and back up. Because I have a feeling that this threat is here for you. Just as I am. Though I suppose you don't have to listen to..." he started to talk to himself as two more corpses were dropped around his feet, and he held out his hand in mock compliance. " Join me?"