The warm afternoon sun shone down upon the carefree citizens of Magnolia, who were going about their busy schedules in preparation for the annual Harvest Festival that would be held throughout the town in a short months time. There was much to be done and the streets were alive with families and local businesses setting up stalls, preparing merchandise and products. Local farmers from all across the country had brought in their produce and livestock for competitions and even young children played there part by helping to create bright and colourful decorations to hang from buildings and swing off of rooftops. However nobody else was getting quite into the spirit of the festivities like the Fairy Tail Guild. Or at least, that’s what the town of Magnolia had hoped. Mary was practically pulling out her hair over this. The Harvest Festival was in less than a month and Fairy Tail was expected to pull off a sensational Fantasia Parade like they normally did. While around the guild, Mary didn’t find it fitting to wear her armour; and today she was dressed in a bright yellow sundress that stopped just above her knees, white sandals covering her feet. She twirled her long, blonde hair around her fingers, biting her bottom lip as she scanned the forms that needed to be filled out for the Fantasia Parade. In the corner of her eye she noticed Alicia walking over the Request Board to pin up several requests. Walking over to her, Mary let out a loud yawn before wrapped her arm around Alicia in a tight embrace. “Alicia!” She dragged out her name in a tired groan, rubbing her forehead against the back of the woman’s head. “Alicia you need to ask Master Pollux to help organise the Fantasia Parade. These guys don’t listen to me and I can’t get started without his help.” Alicia began to pin up request after request, and when she was done she began to write up another sign as she talked to Mary. “I’m sorry but Grandpa is not feeling very well and can’t come down from the infirmary.” Mary looked down at her feet, overwhelmed with the responsibility Pollux had placed upon her. Alicia, as if reading her mind, put her hand on her shoulder and spoke calmly. “If Grandpa didn’t think you could do it, he would have assigned someone else. Don’t worry about it, you’ll be fine.” Alicia turned back to the board, pinning up a sign for the rest of the guild to see; ‘[I]ALL REQUESTS ARE POSTPONED FOR AN HOUR UNTIL I CAN SORT THE FINAL DETAILS OUT. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE[/I]’ As quick as she came out, Alicia disappeared into the backroom of the guild. She just wasn’t a people person apparently. Mary scanned the jobs on the request board, and fairly soon other Fairy Tail Mages were beginning to accompany her. She could hear their annoyed groans. “Damn, I really can’t afford to wait any longer for work.” “Yeah, my rent was due two days ago. My landlord’s going to kill me.” Mary ignored their voices and walked back behind the bar counter, continuing to stare at the forms that needed to be filled out by the end of the day. ---- The loud cheers of his fellow guild mates was but a distant distraction, an obstacle to be overcame. A test of wills and determination. The sun seared down on Riley’s bare skin, sweat drenching his torso and face. His hair stuck to his face in wet, messy clumps and his mouth hung open with each tired pant. The training area located out on the cliff behind the guild was rarely ever used by anyone. Fairy Tail Mages preferred the company of alcohol and friends; Riley only needed his blade. He held the katana in front of him, pointing up towards the sky. Bending his elbows back behind his shoulders, he tilted the blade forward to face one of the training dummies. He stepped forward on his right foot, stomping down on the earth while he made a quick jabbing motion with his sword. The dummy was still standing, but as soon as Riley went to sheathe his blade the wooden dummy fell apart into large chunks. He walked over to his shirt, using it to wipe his sweat away before putting it back on. It stunk, but he didn’t really care. He sat down on the ground and began breathing, Yukiko placed firmly in it’s sheathe and resting on his lap.