Raising her bow again Lydia quickly loosed a volley of arrows that tore straight through the head and necks of the remaining two hell hounds. They fell where they had stood, retreating away from the demon who had so easily slain their brethren. She had not killed the hounds to help the demon, however. She had merely been worried that they might attack her or innocent civilians. Still Lydia sighed heavily. She had no choice, she realized. And one single threat was a better odd than many. She didn't have the power or skills to take on a small army even if it was a disorganized one. Why where demons looking for her anyway? And which ones? Lydia hadn't crossed paths with any demons recently, and she managed to abstain from garnering enemies. Yet here she was with demons hot on her tail. If her leaving the city would lead the demons away, then so be it. Although Lydianna had no wish to die her life was just one singularity. It was better to protect the many. "Fine," she spat angrily. She hated being cornered like this. "I will follow you to your lord, but you must keep your promise that no harm will come to me." She noticed that he had not guaranteed her a safe return, but she did not press the matter. Time was running out. She could hear the first wave of demons crashing against the outer wall. Quickly Lydia hung her bow on her back. Then she walked to the edge of the roof she was standing on and dropped down since the building was relatively low to the ground and was thus a rather small drop. Walking up to the demon she drew her broadsword, using one hand to wield it. She did not raise her sword against him but had instead drawn it in case she needed to fight against other demons. Not many people would confidently walk up to a threatening demon and stare him in the eyes. But Lydia had no such qualms and she walked past the carcasses of the hell hounds and stopped right in front of the demon sent to retrieve her. She looked directly into his eyes even though she had to crane her neck to do so. Her luminescent green eyes met his fiery ones and she stated without fear, "Know that I do not trust you and if you give me reason to kill you I will. But for now there's no choice but to work together. Let's get out of here and see your master. I have questions of my own I wish to hear the answers to." So saying, she put her free hand in the demon's outstretched one.