Unfinished, but a decent placeholder. [hider=Aklamon] [img= http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/235/e/9/gasmask_alien_by_raggedy_annedroid-d47kpfm.jpg] Name: Aklamon (pronounced Ak-lah-moon) Race: Egrab – The Egrab are bipedal reptiles roughly humanoid in appearance, with a height range between 140-180cm on average, and a weight of around 35-75kg on average, though like humans anomalies are common. They are mostly found to live until 50-60 years of age. Their skin most closely resembles that of a snake, though moulting only occurs during the rapid growth periods of the Egrab’s youth. Colouration can range between dark earthy greens and more vibrant oranges, though ones natural colouration is rarely seen as the skin can shift into a wide range of colours, much like the camouflage of chameleons. Outside of their natural swampy habitats the Egrab are forced to cover as much of their bodies as possible or take chemical supplements to prevent often fatal immune-reactions to other environments. This same trait also forces them to don gas-masks perpetually, though many believe this limitation to be a blessing in disguise, due to the reputation many obtain as terrifying monsters. In actuality the mask simply filters harmful toxicants and provides small doses of their planets atmosphere’s gas, which is mostly nitrogen. Like pure oxygen supplied in scuba-diving tanks, these small doses of almost pure atmosphere actually increase the Egrab’s respiratory rate, granting them formidable endurance. Born with an innate cunning which borders on sociopathy, the Egrab are a rare sight outside their home planets, and have therefore become synonymous with more unscrupulous practices. Though many merchants, diplomats and travellers are certainly Egrab, many more are spies for business corporations and even hired killers. Their affinity for stealth and speed is renowned, making them a terrifying prospect even in the technologically advanced universe. Their culture is one shrouded in mysteries, and a fascination on the occult marks them out as a strangely traditional race, which has none-the-less embraced technology to deadly effect. Their homeworld is far from the Free-states, but some still make it there as part of their various and often unscrupulous professions. Gender: Male Age: 32 Home Planet/Station: Ekarab (put it wherever, it doesn’t really matter.) Ekarab is a predominantly swampy world slightly smaller than earth, it provided an excellent environment for agriculture and the evolution of a reptilian race gifted with intelligence. Appearance: (Text or visuals; or a mix.) Personality/Morales: The Egrab are not overly burdened by morales in the same way that humanity is. Though there is a certain affinity for one’s own species this is certainly not extended to those of others, which many Egrab would associate as little more than prey. Though this doesn’t mean they dislike other life, it does suggest a certain disdain, in much the same way a human doesn’t feel overly bothered by the crushing of a fly. Aklamon is the case-in-point of this near sociopathy, with a tendency towards cold aloof-ness he’s never been considered a likeable partner, though most do respect and sometimes fear his particular set of skills. Class: Stealth, falls into the role of classic rouge be it assassination, scouting, or the use of tech specifically related to those roles. Equipment: History: [/hider]