"Fine, fine." Hadrian sighed dramatically, slumping over the counter. "Goodbye, Loves, I shall see you soon!" Daemon chuckled and followed Koyaani out,throwing his candy bags over his shoulder and sauntering down the sidewalk, a happy skip in his step. If there's one thing that could truly get him happy, it's seeing Hadrian [i]and[/i] getting candy. It's two birds with one stone, and it pretty much sets his mood for the rest of the day as Daemon. Once he becomes Lucid though, it's different, but he was hoping to be done with Lucid today...and as long as he didn't get a notification on his father moving any supplies, Lucid will stay in the back of his mind while Daemon enjoys his Jelly Bellies. When they arrived back at the apartment complex, Daemon's land lord was there with a box in his hand. Without a word, he tossed it into Daemon's arms and walked away, ignoring the vigilante's glare. Once they were back in his apartment, Daemon opened the box, and let out an enraged growl. In the box was a hand gun, and a picture of a target. He was a [url=http://photo.ma-bimbo.com/fr/15/7124/moy/5698777.jpg]rookie detective[/url] that had been put on his father's case. There was a note taped to the top of the box. [center] [i] Don't you dare disappoint me, [/i] [/center] Dameon glared, his Jelly Bellies forgotten, along with his good mood. He really hoped Hadrian would bring some vodka when he came.