[hider=Melinine]Name: Melinine (Mell-ih-nine)) Gender: Female Stage: Dragonelle Ancestry: Both parents are from Ecrin Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/098/4/6/Bronze_Dragon_by_BenWootten.jpg] (Just… Ignore the scales and imagine her a little more sleek, I couldn’t find any dragons that looked acceptable.) Personality: Melinine enjoys being in control, of a situation or another dragon, using any means necessary to gain the upper hand without resorting to fear, as that tends to tarnish reputations. She has only recently become a full Dragonelle as well, and so still has some of her wanderlust from when she was not younger. As it stands, she has no intentions of finding a mate and settling down. She also is a show-off by nature, oftentimes changing her skin color so that she stands out in a group and against the scenery, save when she’s hunting or eavesdropping.[/hider]