Ralen grimaced as Sven started his tirade. The guy hadn't gotten along with many of the crew since he had come aboard. A lot of it might have been because he didn't try he preferred to be in his lab working. Luckily she hadn't got the brunt side of his anger yet and even now as he explained what he needed from her she didn't feel he'd been upset at all with her. She only nodded but he was already gone and around the corner. She sighed and turned back to the gathered group deciding it was in her best interest to play dumb to Razalo's blatant attempt at flirting. She still wasn't sure how she felt about him, the way he carried himself and the way he acted gave him an air of cockiness that more than once had grated on her nerves. "Actually, I wasn't sleeping." She brought her arm around and extended it out uncurling her fingers in her process. A feat that,though the power was fading, would probably cost her later in deep bruises and painful cramps in the muscle and bone. The crystal wasn't supposed to move. "As you can see I was working, and I'm not making excuses," Her blue eyes glanced in the senior members direction, "But I believe that Sven was working all night as well, I walked past the garage bay last night and saw him tinkering around with those mechs of his." In reality she didn't know if that was true, but everyone needed a break once in a while right? "And besides that Razalo, were you not late as well?"