Footsteps echoed in the corridor outside of Pavon’s day-cabin, as the crew prepared for the jump to ITS (Interstellar Travel Space). Responding to the steps, he stood up, walking up to the door and opening it, seeing the young ensign that stood, his fist raised as if he was going to knock. Quickly, seeing that if he was going to knock his fist was going to hit the chest of his superior, he stops and salutes. Pavon looked over the man in front of him, “At ease, officer,” he remarks with a nod, “Is there any trouble?” The ensign lowers his salute, and shakes his head. “No, sir. However, your presence is requested in the hangar. Priority alpha.” He says, looking quite nervous about something. “Top secret.” “Thank you.” With that, the Captain dismissed the ensign, closing his door and walking to the hangar. What was it, now? He thought over various incidents happening in the galaxy, as well as thinking over happenings within the Forces. There were some things that he figured they would be dealing with one way or another eventually, but nothing requiring this much security surrounding it. The hangar was filled with activity, electric forklifts moving around, crew securing cargo, dropships moving around, and one daring pilot using his craft to help maneuver some crates, moving the craft down while others moved around it, and ropes being attached to the crates beneath. The dropship then moved carefully to a corner of the hangar, laying down the behemoth of a crate with some others. What looked like a log flew into the hangar through one of the massive airlocks for the aircraft, however it was a troop transport, which was used in friendly space as it would be impractical and cumbersome in an actual battlefield, unless being used for invasions. As it passed through and landed carefully in a predetermined spot, another ship, this one a shuttle, flew in and landed in an open area, which was marked for crate storage. The hangar chief walked over angrily to the shuttle, waving his hands furiously, even though the shuttle was marked as ‘VIP’. Pavon’Echa took a look around. He would never get over seeing the ship, his ship, in such a flurry of work and how wonderful it was. He took an interest upon the VIP-marked ship entering, and walked down to meet it. “For now, it is fine.” He mentioned to the chief. There were bigger things to worry about at the moment. The hangar chief was about to say something in protest, but he stopped himself, and nodded, quickly running over to the hooligan in the dropship, looking as if he would personally grab the ship and lower it onto the deck. The shuttle’s main hatch began to ease open, and out stepped a lady with long, blonde hair, and sharp, red eyes. Her head turned to look around the busy hangar, and then her gaze finally rested upon Pavon. “Are you the captain?” The woman asks. She doesn’t bother to hold out her hand for shaking. Pavon gave a curt nod, “Yes. Captain Pavon’Echa-Dachan.” If the IAIF chose her for intimidation, they made a good decision. “Major Irona.” Irona says, her voice sounding unsatisfied about something, though it was not clear what. “Intelligence committee. How do you like your new ship, captain?” Irona, even though Pavon outranked her, was acting tough. “Seems like your hangar chief dislikes one of the pilots already.” Wonderful, Pavon thought, the intelligence committee was paying him a visit. “The Midnight Rain is wonderful, thank you.” He gave a polite smile. He shot the hangar chief a look that could melt souls, if only for a split second, before returning his attention to Irona. “Not everyone is agreeable, but it doesn’t interfere with the work.” Irona gives him a stern look, before nodding, and reaching behind her to pull out a suitcase. She held it in front of her. “Do you know what this is, Captain?” “I cannot say I do, ma’am.” He almost wished he did, so at least he knew what was going on, and nothing would be sprung upon him. “It is a suitcase, Pavon. Humans use it to carry items such as clothing if they are going on holiday, or are going to stay somewhere a while.” She gave it a little nudge, and the wheels extended from the bottom of it. “I’ve stored [i]my[/i] clothing in here, as well as my personal effects.” Irona cocked her head. “Do you know what that means?” Her voice had turned into a purr, like one of a cat. She took off her duty hat, to reveal the ears of a cat. She stuffs the hat into her pocket. Pavon kept glancing over to the suitcase as she talked, remembering what one looked like. So, pretty much just a bag on wheels. Simple. To her question, he paused before nodding. “It means you will be staying with us, yes?” Irona nods. “Correct. So, you better put a damn good show on while I’m here. Everything I see will be recorded.” She pulls on the handle. “Now, where is my room. Chop chop. Find me a fancy cabin.” She locks eyes with Pavon, as if a good cabin meant everything to her. Pavon nodded once again. The day just kept getting better and better. He wanted to ask how long she would be staying, but then again it might just be better to go with it. “Of course.” As he led her out of the hangar, he did a quick mental rundown of the ship. Thinking of a suitable one, the Drozi led Irona to a cabin, first class, looking as if it came out of an old human design. “Would this be suitable?” He asked, bringing her in the room. Irona walks into the room, looking around. “Yes, it would.” Irona’s eyes rest back on Pavon. “Get the ship en route. And my visit is secret. Yes, the crew may know I am here if they see me, but you are not allowed to announce I am here.” With that, she walks to the door, and closes it. Dismissed, Pavon moved to the bridge of the Midnight Rain. What a weird feeling, to be taking orders from someone lower than him. But Irona being on intelligence, he wasn’t about to complain. He checked the time - 19:50. He walked over to the intercom, “Currently, the time is 19:50. Once again, we will be departing for the star system Epsilon Hydrae at 20 hundred hours. Make sure all final preparations are made.” He had made an announcement much earlier in the day, but he’d rather be repetitive than have an accident. As the ten minutes passed, Pavon made his own preparations for interstellar travel, setting and fine tuning. Within the ten minutes, at exactly 20:00 as promised, the Midnight Rain was en route for the binary star system. Not too long after, the vessel reached a steady speed. "Proceed as normal." Pavon'Echa announced, and took to walking the halls of his ship, checking in on things.