[center]Collaboration between Guardian Angel Haruki and YoshiSkittlez[/center] [center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/240x160StorybrookeGold.gif?t=1407788619][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/d51a0c3920ba0507dfc03f9dfab1b806/tumblr_mox5r6WoJ81rk8b1co5_250.gif][img=][/center] ------------- Faye and Belle soon arrived back at Mr. Gold's house. Belle once again thanked Faye for helping her with shopping for new clothes and she invited, "I can brew some tea if you'd like." The good doctor shook her head and answered Belle, "No thank you. I better return his credit card before...well, [i]you-know-who[/i] decides to do something stupid." Belle chuckled understandingly and she answered, "That sounds like a good idea." The both of them entered the house and Belle called, "Rumpel? We're back!" However there was no answer. Belle commented, "He's not here..." Faye rolled her eyes and said, "I think I know where he may be." She then walked out of the front door and headed for the basement entrance. Belle followed after Faye, thinking the same thing as she was in regards to where Rumpelstiltskin could be. She watched as Faye rapped loudly on the closed door. There was a light rustling sound from inside, and only after a very long moment after Faye had knocked on the door did the pawnbroker speak up loudly so as to be heard clearly. "I'm not dealing today. Come see me at my shop tomorrow." Faye rolled her eyes at the response and she commented with sarcasm, "Again...what a surprise," Faye looked to Belle, as said woman called to him, "Rumpel, it's me. We're back!" The faint rustling from behind the door only seemed to get a little louder before the two women could hear the audible [i]thump[/i] of his cane on the stairs as he reached the door on his side. The knob jiggled a bit, the tumblers clicking in succession as the door was unlocked and then opened to them. Mr. Gold squinted almost immediately as a bright ray of light filtered into the basement and onto his face. It was clear that he hadn't stopped working since he had gone down at nearly three that morning. Having not shaved or showered, as was in his daily routine and just as important to him as his choice in suits, a full encasement of thick stubble reigned prominant on his features, bringing out the heavy bags underneath his tired eyes. "Belle!" He tilted his head to the side slightly, confusion replacing his exhausted features. "I didn't think you'd be back until nearly after lunch..." He commented, obviously having lost track of time. His eyes were quick to narrow in acusation as he looked to Faye then, his temper quick to rise. "You were to take her to the Bed and Breakfast!" Before Faye could even retort, Belle spoke up, "She did take me there, Rumpel. And it's one o'clock in the afternoon." Confused even more, Mr. Gold couldn't help but to look down at the watch on his wrist to confirm the time, his eyes going wide for a split second before looking back to Faye. Faye suppressed a smile from his confused and shocked looks at the time, before she spoke as she fished out his credit card and handed it back to him, "I made sure Belle has everything she would need." He eyed the credit card for a minute, seeming to debate something in his mind before reaching out and snatching his card back, slipping it into his breast pocket of his button up shirt rather than to take the time to put it back into his wallet all the while only grunting out a slight "Hmmm" in response. "I'll let you and Belle have some time together. I'll be back tonight." She subtly reminded him of what he promised in return before turning around and walking away, while giving Belle a polite goodbye. Mr. Gold only snorted in response as Faye took her leave before issuing Belle inside, his features now softer towards her than they had been towards the doctor. "I'm afraid I won't be much for company today." He said as he limped back to the alchemy table, too tired to even realize he had used the same phrase over at least a hundred times to Belle back when they were living at The Dark Castle. Back then, though, it had been used as more of an excuse to keep away from her... to save her from having to be near him... Belle followed Rumpelstiltskin inside, and she said to him, her voice showing concern for him, considering how he acted and appeared, "Rumpel...maybe you should go and get some sleep." He waved a hand dismissively in her direction to her suggestion as he got back behind the table, his eyes already keen on the concoction starting to bubble over the small burner. Sleep? He couldn't sleep, not when there was so much work to be done. Even if he wanted to, the haunting dreams would only come back, making things worse. Belle didn't take his dismissive wave as an answer, and she walked over to stand by his side, and she gently placed her hand on his shoulder with the stubborn look on her face. She said to him, "Rumpel, please. What if you accidentally hurt yourself?" She knew what could happen if someone didn't get enough sleep. His otherwise rigid posture seemed to relax a fraction at her touch, but he kept his eyes on his work as he moved about, uncorking a few glass vials and sprinkling some of the contents into the bubbling liquid. She then gently laid her hand on his cheek and guided his head, when he wasn't handling anything from the alchemy table, so that he would look at her, in the eyes, and she asked him, "Please...for me?" He was reluctant to move his head at first, but her soft touch won him over in the end only to be lost in her bright cerulean eyes staring right back up at him. He felt his resolve quickly starting to chip away. A heavy sigh escaped through his nose, forcing his eyes closed so that he wouldn't get lost in her gaze forever. "I have to find her..." He replied in a soft whisper, his voice threatening to crack. Belle reassured him gently, "And you will find her, but what if you don't recognize her because you haven't slept?" His eyes flickered open as a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He put his hand over the top of hers still holding his cheek and ran his thumb over the top of her delicate skin. "It would hardly matter. Can't imagine I'd even recognize her if you pumped me full of tea before finding her." He said with what almost sounded like humor in his voice before it dropped back down into something much more reverent... sad even. "She was only four when I lost her... I... I don't know what to expect." Belle smiled at his humorous statement before he revealed his insecurities to her. She said to him, "I think...that deep down, when you see her, you'll immediately recognize her. All you need to do is just listen to your heart." A quiet sputtering from the glass vial brought Rumpelstiltskin's attention back to the alchemy table, though only moving his eyes as to not have to move away from Belle's touch. The muscles in his jaw tightened dangerously as the liquid within grew to a luminescent yellow before dying back down to it's transluscent clear color once more. It hadn't worked. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to count to ten, praying for patience. He didn't know what he would have done if Belle hadn't been there, touching him, grounding his anger; though he was pretty sure a replacement alchemy station would have been in order. Belle noticed that Rumpel seemed to be frustrated with what happened with the potion he was working on. She could feel the muscles in his jaw tense up when he held back his anger. If he ever opened his eyes, he would see Belle giving him a look that clearly showed that that was why he needed to get some sleep. Belle said to him gently, "Hopefully you'll have better luck after you've rested." Opening his eyes only after Belle spoke he turned his head to give her a quick, yet affectionate kiss on her temple before taking both her hands in his, needing the distraction to keep his blood from boiling over. "I'll only take a [i]quick[/i] rest if you promise to use your special blend I've gone five years without." He mused, feeling somewhat better for being able to illicit some sort of deal in his favor. Belle smiled at his acceptance and his request for her tea. She said to him, "That's a deal," She then lead him out of the basement and to the kitchen, where she brewed tea for him though by the time she had taken it into the living room to give to him, he had fallen asleep on the couch, snoring lightly. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of him sleeping peacefully, and she set the tea down quietly on the table, careful not to wake him. She silently wished him a good rest, and left a soft kiss on his temple, before she left the room.