[b][center]Collab Between Yugeto and Myself[/b][/center] ----- After fifteen minutes had passed, Arianna stood and looked to Blake. She nodded to him, signaling for him to lead the way into the city. The past thirty minutes had been tense for her as she had been in a state of shock at the recent memories that Blake had shown her. Millions of questions had flown through her mind, making it difficult for her to concentrate on Blake's thoughts. She was still weak from the fight, too, which made it even more of a strain to try and pry into his mind. [b][i]Rest, Arianna. You'll have your answers soon. Plus, I don't trust him if he has kept this information from you for so long. We also don't know if his interactions with your father were good ones. Keep your guard up,[/i][/b] Castiel murmured. Arianna nodded inwardly, her eyes wary as they watched Blake. Blake noticed Arianna watching him, and inwardly grinned. [i]'Finally...'[/i] Blake circled Arianna nonchalantly, his mind filled with pictures of the outskirts. He knew she would be unable to resist the allure of learning about her father and his jaded, dark past. Stepping out of the shuttle slowly, Blake began to cautiously walk in the direction the group came from. "Curious, are we?" Blake asked without turning around, as he slowly picked up his pace. Arianna hesitated as she stepped out of the shuttle, but she followed him, watching him with a cautious gaze. "Wouldn't you be curious?" She asked, hoping to entice him into revealing more information. Blake pushed forward at an increasing pace, feeling the rush of air flow across his determined face. "You'll have to keep waiting, just a bit longer." He shouted back. [b][i]'How long have you waited for this day, Blake? Years? At least a decade, I'm sure.'[/b] 'As long as I can remember, Dama. But what is this petty quabble to an ancient being like you, hm? This thirst, this desire for revenge is my life, and my goal. However cryptic you've been, it's about time I deserve to know what you're getting out of this. If you think you can take control of me after the fight, you're wrong, Dama. I am ever grateful for your power and this opportunity, but I'm not so foolish as to blindly let you double-cross me.'[/i] Blake felt a shake from within his soul itself, pushing upwards. [b][i]'You're right, Blake. I have ulterior motives. But I can take control of you at any time, these would be unncesessary hurdles that we crossed if I simply wanted your body. Learn to trust me fully, Blake, or our technique will fail.'[/b][/i] Blake simply sighed in submission; Dama was right. If he had wanted Blake, he could have had him at any time, despite the strong-willed young man's bluff. Closing his eyes momentarily before reaching the outskirts, Blake slowed down and halted to a steady, gentle stop, before turning to Arianna. Arianna slowed to a walk when she saw him stop, her brows furrowing in confusion. She looked into his eyes, her own full of questions. "What game are you playing, Blake? Why have you stopped?" Blake stared into Arianna's pupils with a deep, penetrating gaze. "I've been waiting for this moment for almost my entire life, Arianna. You've damaged me beyond repair, and I've calculated every step, every move to get you where you are right now. Your father, your father is indeed a great scientist. But I surpassed him, I succeeded him with vast prowess; do you know how he congratulated me? He shunned me, Arianna. He shunned me again, his own flesh and blood." Blake's fists tightened, and his voice became more strained. "Your father isn't the honorable man you think he is, Arianna. He slept with my mother, had an affair with her, and gave birth to me, turning me away and eventually having you. I worked day and night, learned and toiled to become something he would be proud of, even out of poverty, and he simply pushed me aside again, Arianna. I'm not playing any games; I'm getting vengenace, by taking away the thing he loves most." Blake said, cracking his wrists. "I've had so many opportunities to simply take you out, but this is nothing if not done honorably. Ask me anything you wish, and then draw your sword; I will do this justly, and when it's all over with, the rightful child will emerge victorious." Arianna stared at Blake, frozen in place. Her thoughts were consumed by this new information. It both scared her and made her feel ill. She could only guess that he was going to fight her to the death. Could she handle a fight of this proportion? Blake was hardly injured and she was barely gaining enough control of her abilites again to even process the menacing thoughts swirling around Blake's mind. She shifted, trying to gain some composure before she found her voice. "Why did you keep this from me? Why reveal it now? How is any of this my fault?" She was beginning to feel defensive. Her father had been the one to be so cruel while she had been sheltered from the truth and kept ignorant about the ordeal. So, then, why was she to blame? Blake rubbed his temples in frustration. "Your father told me when I approached him that he already had a family, a child, to take care of. Well, I'll be taking care of you, and nothing will cause him greater pain and agony. Is there anything else, Arianna?" Arianna clenched her jaw, her own frustration beginning to show. She wanted to find a way out of this fight, but she couldn't run. Blake was much stronger than her at this point. He would overcome her. Her only option was to try to talk him out of it. "If I had known, I would have helped," she replied. "There is no honor in revenge." Blake chuckled. "Do you think you could change that old man's mind? There's nothing he would do for me, the monster resented me, left me to be a bastard. Ironic that I'll end you with the sword that he made. This killing intent is unstoppable, and there is always honor in the blade. Muster all of your spirit, because you're going to need every last drop." A dark, purplish, heavy aura pulsated around Blake, as he clenched his fist. "Being an established researcher in Spirit, I took it to myself to bond with my kage in the purest possible form." The ground around Blake shook, and then began to crack from the raw spirit density. "When a Kage and its host achieve perfect unity and exist as one soul, usually in times of distress as a last-resort, the duo achieve a higher level of power, the Prime form, as I'd like to call it. After endless training and toiling while most dawdled around with no purpose, I've harnessed this ability. Behold the Prime form before you." Blake's aura of energy suddenly fell dramatically, and Blake clutched his chest, crumbling to the floor. "What...agh! Wh-what are you doing, Da-AGH!" Blake yelled in pain as he felt himself slowly losing his grip over his body. After a few seconds, Blake silently stood back up, his eyes a deep purple color. [b]"This is not coincidence, old friend. This is fate. This is our destiny. Shed your mortal shell, and let us forget these childish feuds."[/b] 'Blake' spoke, seemingly piercing through Arianna, as if he were addressing someone else. Arianna stepped backwards, feeling a deep emotion erupt from within her. [i]Castiel, do you know this kage?[/i] Castiel spoke, but his words were strained as he struggled to come to terms with who he was speaking with. [i][b]I-it... can't be...[/i][/b] Castiel whispered in disbelief, fear striking the two bonded souls at their core. Blake shook, and began to laugh in a maniacal, crazed manner. [b]"CASTIEL! How many eternities have we known and quarreled with one another, my old friend? My truest, most beloved, dearest friend; do you truly believe our hosts were picked by chance? The odds are meaningless, Castiel: we are fated to FIGHT, until one of us truly falls to the greater soul. I have yearned for this opportunity to emerge, waited millennia for this day. Castiel, I felt your presence the second I left the Void; let us finally come to a coalescence, CASTIEL!"[/b] Dama uproared, using Blake as his vessel. [i]'It's far too clear now, Dama, what you've wanted. Is this why you chose me? Two souls, driven by revenge? Or is this truly the force of fate even something as ancient as you defers to? Dama, do not suppress me completely or our Prime form will not last, both of us know this. I'll gladly aid you in your quest, as you have aided me in mine. Let us have our glorious retribution.'[/i] Arianna stood still, mortified by the man before her. She had no idea what to do, but it wasn't as horrible as the ancient fear from Castiel begin to overwhelm her. Castiel's fear began to diminish, though, as his anger and hatred for Dama began to settle into Arianna's human bones, threatening to break them. [i][b]I do not apologize for what I am about to do, Arianna. Dama is one of the most powerful and dangerous kages I have ever faced in battle. We will need to resonate our souls to achieve the prime form, like Dama and Blake have achieved. It will not be as painful, because I want you to willingly give up control. This fight is for the both of us.[/b][/i] Castiel instantly felt Arianna give control of herself to him and he felt his soul grow within her, taking almost complete control of Arianna's body. The once frozen, tense posture of Arianna suddenly straightened and became stiff as Castiel looked up at Dama's host. Arianna's once calm, cool eyes were now full of fire and passion, glowing a bright blue color. The two souls were working together to achieve the most power they could. They knew that their will would ultimately be what decided their fate. As the full prime form was accomplished, the two decided to give it all they could. Her back began to glow the same blue as six wings sprouted from it and grew to almost the full size of Castiel's wings. Castiel shifted his shoulders to make them comfortable before reaching to Arianna's side, pulling her sword from it's sheath. He held it in front of him, the tip of the blade facing upwards. Dama-Blake reached for Kataskai, drawing it slowly as the bandages around it unraveled. He put his hand to the blue flame core within the sword, and Kataskai cracked and darkened, before glimmering. A black flame began to dance along the outer edge of the blade, then quieted as he sheathed it. [b]"I'll give you a taste of that later. It's time I put my powers to full use, Castiel; this boy, however impressive, fails to handle my abilities to their fullest."[/b] He explained as he kept his hands up, palms facing one another. In the gap between his hands, Dama-Blake seemed to be concentrating hard. The ground began to crack more as a small black dot started to form in the gap, slowly growing in size as smaller black dots converged in on it until it became about the size of a soccer ball. [b]"All the potential energy around and my stored energy has been converted into condensed, pure negative energy. Castiel; I feel only happiness as I grant you your salvation within my soul."[/b] Castiel tightened his grip on the sword, glaring at Dama with the righteous hatred he felt burning within him. [b]"Unfortunately there is no salvation for the damned, like you Dama. I will enjoy smiting you, just like how it should have happened ages ago,"[/b] he growled, the cracks in the ground initially caused by Dama growing as rocks tore through them and circled around Castiel to form a barrier that was ready to absorb any of the energy sent his way. [b]"Shall we begin?"[/b]