The faintest of smiles played on Ragnarok's lips as she took down the two remaining hell hounds with ease thinking how useful she could be to him. But that was another time in the future not set for now. Shaking the thoughts off he watched as she meandered her way off the roof and over to him, walking forth with confidence and not a trace of fear. Soon she got close enough and the shing of her sword coming out of the sheath become audible and for half a second Ragna thought she meant to gut him but that idea was quickly placated when she simply just stared up into his eyes with unblinking emeralds. "Do not trust me? My I am offended by your course of words. But fear not." He let out a exasperated sigh. " I shan't give you a reason to guy me. However you call that old man my master one more time, and I will be the one doing the gutting. He pays me as I am not a full demon. More of a....whelp among whelps. The only reason I am here is for the money. Else I would be sitting in my own land without issue." Ragnarok could say he wasn't used to touching others with flesh. He was more used to being touched by their blood when it sprayed from their dying bodies. So when she took his hand he was more then questioning the young half-elf's brashness. " I...wasn't...actually..." He stammered out, flustered. Ragna mentally reeled back wondering why he was so taken aback at the girls actions, or more importantly, why he was embarrassed. None the less, He simply let her hand slip out of his and started moving towards the west gate. " First and foremost, I need my armor and weapon if we want to get safely to Belial. Soo what is the quickest way to the west gate?" He asked her in a calm tone, his left thumb rolling over the chain links of his deadly weapon as if it were nothing more then a piece of metal. It dragged behind him as he moved down the street that was starting to fill up with civilians in wonderment at the dead hounds before them and at the burning scene behind Ragnarok. The screams of the innocent echoed out already with the moon sitting up high as if watching the spectacle with front row seats. Soon the scent of burning bodies reached and flooded Ragnarok's senses and he knew it was going to be a close one on escaping from Abaddon. " They are moving faster then I thought they would."