I have a bit of an issue with the Bor. There's nothing wrong with how it's written it just doesn't work lore wise which is my own fault for not giving enough background. It does however, just seem pasted from another setting. The humans in this setting are a part of the Free State and do not forcibly colonize species. The Free State, our setting, is a Realm held together by mutual respect and value of libertarianism. It is to some a utopia and to others it is anarchy, but it is most of all [i]not[/i] oppressive. It rose from the ashes of a oppressive Imperium though and many of it's current member civilizations were subjugated by said Imperium so it'd be easy to work the Bor in that way. Other than that both sheets seem perfectly great :sun Added to the OP, a entry detailing the Free State's history. Only the first section should be considered essential reading.