[quote=WilsonTurner] You just said the stupidest thing. A dragon the size of a town...And you say the tall human-sized demon is being underestimated. The dragon who has fought armies... against an unhumanly powerful demon. A swipe of a foot larger than a tree is tall, or a swing by a tail that is too heavily armored to be cut through or hit. Don't pick a fight with this dragon. He is meant to be more NPC than player character, but he will kill any of the characters on the island. The picture wasn't just how he looked- that's his size. And unless this is anime, you won't be able to beat the crap out of him. [/quote] Oh, I have no doubts about how hard it would be. Shax wouldn't be getting through a fight like that without some serious hurt, but I'll still tell you that you shouldn't underestimate her. I don't care how big and old this Dragon is, Shax can hurt it, and if she can hurt it, she can kill it. It doesn't matter if it's more NPC than player. It doesn't matter how powerful it is. A creature as big as that, and as old as that, has a weak point. If it's as big as a town, then I'm sure it'll have a lot of fun trying to pinpoint Shax when she's sprinting around, jumping up its limbs, clinging on like something from Shadow of the Colossus. It'd be a truly epic fight, but I am confident in both Shax and my own ability to roleplay.