[b]Naraal Vrail, Outside The Senate[/b] He didn't have to be covert or unnoticeable, that little tactic came almost natural to him. He sat outside, caught between that of two other suits; men the both of them, but one of them dressed just a bit better than the other. He wondered how he could use them to further his own mission. While the other looked more important, Naraal could tell that the man was obviously more experienced. [i]I'm sure he'll be more suspicious of me. Questions would come up that would raise more problems than solve,[/i] He told himself. His passive expression turned slightly agitated. [i]Ignorant,[/i] He admitted of himself. [I] but I won't be for long.[/i] He commenced his elaborate plan to enter the Senate unnoticed. Noticing the nervousness nearly drifting from the man beside him, either unready or simply fearful; Naraal put on his friendliest smile. “ Hey, are you alright?” The young man had brown hair cut short, warm brown eyes, and a responding yet naive smile. It only assured the young Sith that his plan would work. “Unfortunately no, this is my first time coming here.” His fingers moved without purpose. “On business for my father,” He clarified. Naraal nodded. “Well, I may have a small use when it comes to business like that. If you'd like, I could tell ya.” A curious expression and curt nod told him to continue. “Thanks. Ya see, I pick up what little credits I can by taking notes and other stuff for officials like you,” He made small gestures with his hands, hoping to keep the man, if perceptive, from uncovering his ruse. “If you [i]wanted[/i] me to, I could help you out as well. I'm dirt cheap and would even offer these services fer free; after all, you're a first time customer.” It took the man a minute to think before he asked. “For free?” Naraal nodded jovially, he didn't care about missing out on some credits if it meant he completed his mission. When the man stuck out his hand towards Naraal, a firm grip taken shape in it, the youth's grin widened in a gracious smile. “Thank you so much, I swear you won't regret this.” He took hold of the the hand with both of his. “Junior senator, Layle Minu,” introduced the man. “Kallen,” Naraal responded back, taking Vera's advice and using a fake name. He had thought about it on the way there. The two of them got through security checks easy enough after that, just one moment had freaked the youth out afterwards. While he walked dutifully behind Layle, a tall man, lean in figure with piercing gold eyes halted them and simply stared at him. It made his heart race in irregular beats; it sent fear running through his veins. Luckily his training with his first Sith master had taught him to conceal it. After a tense moment, he sent them on and before long Layle and he was walking among dozens of other high-risk figures. Behind the veil of his own new appearance, his silver eyes gleamed with deception; a truly sly smile hidden behind the shadows of his bangs. [i]Not bad, Naraal... not bad. Now to sneak away from this idiot when the chance arises. I need to find Master Vera and The Source.[/i]