[b]"Oh, this?"[/b] Harken jabbed a talon at the red, white and blue daubed across his mug. [b]"Bit of a Turian thing. Wearing your home colours - like a football shirt."[/b] He could have stood there and gabbed with her all day about this stuff, but apparently Claire couldn't. She turned around and started heading off to see Galen so he nodded to her with a [b]"Catch you later, duck."[/b] He headed away from the bridge and down to his quarters. A fairly small area, but it had all he needed. Bed, a carrel desk with integrated computer. Apparently the ship had a shackled AI or something along those lines, which made him a little uncomfortable. Didn't like the thought of being watched at all times. He'd spent too long beingover to the lights, where he arbitrarily decided SADI was coming from. [b]"Now, are you going to leave me alone or am I going to have issues?"[/b] There was a pregnant pause and when SADI was silent for long enough, he decided that was good enough and turned off the light. He wanted to get some sleep in before they arrived at the mission. the watcher, having the tables turned was not quite what he had grown used to. [b]"SADI? Could you... turn off, or something?"[/b] Spirits, talking to an empty room like this made him feel stupid. Most VIs at least had the politeness to present an avatar projection. "Do you have something to hide, Major Calibos?" The androgynous voice seemed to be coming from everywhere at once, modulated artificially to be soothing but ending up as the exact opposite. Was it joking? Was it smart enough to joke? [b]"No. I'd just rather you do it voluntarily. Otherwise I'd have to furtle around in you and I don't want to accidentally turn off life support. Or lobotomize you."[/b] He headed to his water basin and got some water pouring, washing off the markings on his face. The flag smeared at first before pouring off into the bowl, revealing the greyish-brown skin underneath. After patting his face dry, Harken headed over to his cot. "I must strongly advise against attempts to alter my behavior. My files indicate you do not have the technical training required to undertake such a complicated task. You would endanger everyone on board." Harken slid back onto his bed and swung up his feet and straightened out. [b]"You'd be surprised what is in my file. You'd be more surprised by what [i]isn't[/i] in my file."[/b] He glanced