[quote=Bearsworth] I already understand that I need a reason for her to calm down a little, the problem is obviously finding that reason. I know her best so I should know what that reason would be, but it's also BECAUSE I know her so well that I have no idea what reason would get her to calm down and work alongside others. I mean, she's so confident in her own abilities and so in love with fighting things she would happily take on a town-sized Dragon for no other reason than to have a good, challenging fight. By nature she isn't just a fighter, she's a loner, a survivor, and it's been that way since she was barely capable of walking. Buddying up with a bunch of others for 'survival' makes no sense to her since, well, she'd been 'surviving' alone in a realm far more hostile than this one for most of her life.Honestly, if anyone comes up with a reason I'm all ears, but so far I've had no ideas that would work. Well... Other than one, but it would require a team effort. [/quote] I just don't want you to be offended if that loner, fighter personality gets her into trouble. and please, please, [i]please[/i] don't have her fight the dragon. she's caused enough damage to herself, don't you think? I'm fairly certain just about every character having been involved with her so far is not interested. I'm not saying quit playing her, because she [i]is[/i] interesting, but I might ask if you could perhaps tone her down a bit. I know I had to tone Zmerr down. I've used him for other RPs. He's by nature, a total ass. But in order to make this gel, we need everyone to be at least a little cooperative because otherwise, someone's going to get killed or left out. That's never fun.