Saito looked at the items, the Pseudospace stones only catching his eye for a moment. What caught his eye for much longer though was the High Quality Orange Magic Dust. "Heh, you are certainly right on that regard". This was his response after he opened the bag, putting his face a bit over the bag, but not directly, and he seemed to be smelling the contents by fanning a bit of them towards his nose. "This is some high quality Magic Dust. This stuff's rare and can be used to make some good stuff, and its the right kind for my type of magic". He closed the bag up and gave a nod. "You paid me back and then some. The stones are pretty cheap, but the Dust is the good thing here. Five pounds of it is indeed a great find, worth a hearty chunk of cash, probably several million yen if not more". Ren's eyes widened as he heard this, and it made him wish he had taken some. "How would you like to put that dust to use?" Ren spoke up now, opening up his Inventory and removing the Life Water Glyph. "I am sure this is worth something right? A Glyph with a healing spell, and our healing powers are just like healing potions, they work immediately". Saito picked it up and looked it over, putting his ring near it and it flashed for a moment. "If what you say is true... lets test it..." He grabbed a knife from behind the counter and cut his own hand with it. A pretty deep cut, Saito wincing a bit before he picked up the Glyph. "Lets see if... other people can use that Gamer healing..." He held his ring to the Glyph, it glowing for a few moments before its magic was activated, the cut on his hand healing as the pain went away, his eyes widening in amazement. "Even if its power isn't too great, the immediate healing affect is how this thing is worth millions. Glyphs aren't exactly easy to make and the materials to make them are expensive. Sometimes you can make one accidentally through Rune Creation, but that happenstance is rare and the Glyphs created are weak, but this thing is worth a hearty chunk of change". He put the Glyph into his pocket. "Alright, I can make you some items and still have some dust leftover, this Glyph here serving as payment. What do you want?" Ren thought for a few moments. A magical item made by a pretty skilled mage. "We fought some magic user... who had a strange barrier around them. It was invisible and not like a shield... can you make anything like that?" "You mean a Magic Barrier. Skilled magic users have things like those. Once you learn a bit of magic you can create one yourself. I don't really know what type you want exactly that goes in accordance with your own types of magic, so that is up to you and I recommend checking out the Auction on that regard. I can make an item that can create a barrier for you so you could have a second one". Ren thought for a moment and gave a nod. More defense was better than more offense. "What about you Lucian? Anything you'd like within reason?" Saito looked towards Lucian now.