The scoff that came from her lips made him want to slap the elf knowing that he could easily best her in strength if not in speed. However for the sake of his purse being made heavier he simply sighed and resigned to listen to her mockery where it showed. " Aye, you may have put up with worse, however my rambling can get you in trouble because I happen to be quite loose lipped in some sections of my life." He started to walk forward but was stopped by her words. Looking silently over his shoulder he saw her apply a rather decedent smelling paste to his arrow wound which managed to sting slightly. Then she placed her hand on the wound which sent little tendrils of fire through his shoulder. Wincing slightly he bit his lip to bear it without grunting. Soon though it began to heat up and cool down, leaving just a ghost of the pain throbbing right where the wound was. "Thank you, Lydianna." He managed to say without choking on the words of gratitude. Ragnarok walked silently alongside the girl who held her blade as if she was prepared for anything. His own blade was slung across his back in a expertly crafted iron and leather sheath. He felt no need to draw it unless the danger was right in front of his eyes and judging from the chaos in Termina, every bandit with at least two chromosomes would be running as far away from the lovely flood of demonic soldiers. However this walk was a peaceful quiet. The only real sound was the wind gently wafting through the tree's which bent oh so gently against the force that could kill entire cities. After a long while in the awkard silence, the half-elf's voice broke Ragna from his revelry of the world around him. " Hmm? Oh my name. Ragnarok, or simply Ragna if Ragnarok is ''too end of the world'' esque for you." He lightly chuckled at his own words before returning back to the blessed silence. 'Damn talking to this halfie is annoying.' He grumbled inside his head. After another spell of silence this time Ragnarok broke it. " I was planning on staying at the dwarven city of Fengonhien before catching a ride through the mountains to the demons territory. From there it should be pretty smooth unless of course my family is trying to kill me. Then we may have to go the long way around to avoid giving Abaddon and Mephesto the home field advantage. If so we may need to get some supplies from the dwarves to survive the trek through Elven territory. Cause as far as I know. They don't like half-breeds almost as much as they hate demons? right?" he glanced over at the girl.