[center][b][u]Kell Outskirts - Watcher's Lake[/b][/u][/center] As soon as Ishigo had departed, Kisheto had decided to group up with Yugeto and Julian. The three agreed to the idea and decided to meet up when it was their turn to head to the city. In the meantime, Kisheto wasted not a second to gather his belongings, specifically his armor, rifle, and dagger. He walked past the shuttle towards where they had came at a brisk pace, looking around and about. [i]'There it is...'[/i] he thought as he saw the clear lake isolated in the middle of a random clearing in the forest. It was small, but it had beautiful blue waters that created a small mist around the area. Kisheto felt the humidity rise as the mist caressed his skin. "Hell yes.... just what I needed..." he said as he dropped his armor and dagger before running to the lake. Kneeling by the shore, he cupped his hands and gathered a small splash of water to wash his face. After taking a nice long drink of the water as well, he blinked and stared at his reflection in the water. [i]'Whoa....'[/i] He looked much different. His hair was longer, his face was more chiseled, and his eyes were a much brighter hue of golden. He looked forward, towards the rest of the lake and pondered his thoughts for a moment before chuckling. "Fuck it..." he said, throwing off all his clothes and diving into the lake. He felt a tremendous euphoric rush as the water embraced him while he dove down. He could almost feel the grime, dust, and dirt wash off his body, and he felt a cleansing sensation to the core of his bones - no, to the core of his spirit. He let all of his muscles relax for a good moment in which he simply floated idle in the water, no movement influencing his body. His hair floated upward and he ran his hand through it to feel the texture. It was an amazing sensation, and not even the need for oxygen could take away the pleasure he felt. [center][youtube]CZ91QMhS_6M[/youtube][/center] After enjoying his nice little dip, Kisheto left the water and shook his head, splashing the majority of the water off. He used his old jacket to dry off his head and body and decided to only put on his golden mercenary cargo pants, leaving the rest of his skin bare. [i]'The sun is setting....'[/i] he thought as he bundled his equipment by the lake and sat down on the soft grass near it. He leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out before him. Staring into the sky, he sighed and smiled at the serenity of the moment. "Wow... this is what freedom feels like...." [i]'Imagine the look on dad's face when he sees how big I've gotten...'[/i] he thought, ignoring the negative thoughts that swirled around the back of his mind. He closed his eyes and soaked up the cool air. [i]'It's been a long time.... I wonder if he's an old man now. I wonder what my old friends think of me?'[/i] Kisheto felt his muscles loosen and his body relax. He had felt - for a long, long time - that he had been caging up many emotions that needed to be released. While any ordinary individual would have been torn apart by the loneliness, despair, and general feeling of being lost that Kisheto lived by day to day in his old life, Kisheto had turned it into habit. It was his lifestyle. He denied any feelings of sadness from overcoming his generally positive energy. And though his wandering ways left him short on friends, he still felt a connection to all the people he passed. It was just the way he was, and the way he would always be. Suddenly, a gentle wind brushed past Kisheto, causing him to open his eyes as he felt something within him stir. Leaves shyly fell of the trees surrounding the lake and flew towards him as the breeze seemed to embrace him just as the waters did. He smiled, feeling blessed by whatever force of nature blew the gentle breeze his way. It was more than that, though. Kisheto felt the gust graze his head, slightly startling him as he thought it to be a hand. [i]'Hm?[/i] He looked around, puzzled. Chuckling at his overactive imagination he returned to his peaceful ponderings. [i]'No more hiding and stealing. I'll finally... I'll finally belong, huh? Wow, I feel like I'm in a movie! This is great...'[/i] Realizing he had probably spent too much time day dreaming, he got up, although hesitantly. He chose only to wear a fresh under-armor, full-sleeve mesh shirt. He then pulled a loose, white t-shirt over the net-like garb and put on his golden mercenary boots, leaving the actual armor, cloak, and helmet there. [i]'I won't need these anymore...[/i] he thought solemnly. Picking up his dagger, he headed over to where Julian and Yugeto were waiting. "Ay, yo! Time to go!"