Ralen stepped back and tucked her arm back behind her back and proceeded to look properly chastised as Jett's stern tone echoed through the room. It'd been a while since he'd had to use that tone but every time Ralen had heard it she always felt like a small child. That in turn brought back memories she'd tried so hard to forget. [i] A younger version of herself stood in a similar manner before an older Rhelom. A glitter of elaborate tattoos covered the elders skin, that along with the fine robes told that the man was both well respected and a leader. His face held a stern look as he reached out and tilted Ralen's face for examination. The skin around her eye was darkening as a bruise formed. Her nose dripped blood and her lip was split. "Ralen, what have I told you before? You are a part of The Elite, why do you continue to act out in this manner and disgrace the name?" The words may have been harsh from anyone else, but his was a tone of someone who'd had this conversation before. "As I told the others Master, they called Shaianni a freak. We are all like her. So in naming her so they did so to all of us. I was only defending our honor and more importantly that of Shaianni." The Master sighed and let her go, "You didn't hurt them too badly did you? And you used none of your abilities?" Ralen shook her head, "No sir, of that I am not so stupid. They got as good as I did." The elder watched her a moment, "Fine, go get cleaned up and I want you at all of your classes today." [/i] Ralen curled her left hand letting the pain of doing so bring her back to the present. Now was not the time to get sentimental. She listened to the rest of the meeting, Noting the important parts, New planet, archaeologists, pocket change and 2 million gio, 1 mil for supplies and their personal repairs. All in all it sounded like an easy mission. Good for getting the new recruits settled in. As the meeting came to an end she glanced around trying to decide which of the newbies she would take with her. One that wouldn't be to intimidated by Sven as they would be the ones to relay the information to him. Though as it turned out she wouldn't have to choose. "Sven asked for a rookie to come with you, so I'll go with. If you don't mind, that is." The frank comment brought Ralen's attention to the red haired woman that stood before her. They were almost the same height and appeared to be around the same age, though the way that the woman held herself Ralen guessed she might be a bit older. "I don't mind, I was actually wondering which of you to choose, you just made the decision easier. I am Ralen Alakar." She held out her right hand, it was something she'd seen some of the other crew do and though she couldn't quite figure out why, shaking hands was an obvious introductory response. "I have to return to my quarters to gather my things first, If you need anything I suggest you do the same. If not you may accompany me or head on to Sven, I would like for you to bring him up to date on the mission parameters. I hope that is alright with you."