[b]”I don’t think you have anything to worry about yet…oh you’re a shape shifter, aren’t you? How interesting…I would recommend you not leading this group the group too far into danger now.”[/b] [I] What did she mean by that….[/i] Lucinda pondered but shook it off at the woman’s next warning. It came too late, the shape-shifter quickly finding that she was being restrained by a pair of the fauns. The woman struggled against their hold, eyeing their weapons carefully but not showing any detectable traces of fear. Merely thrashing would not do the trick and so Lucinda let her arms shift, bone and flesh becoming cold and unfeeling steel as her arms turned into a pair of [url= http://1dut.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cool-concept-futuristic-medieval-and-fantasy-weapons-1dut.com-3.jpg] blades[/url]. In a swift motion the two fauns were cut down, blood gushing in pools around Lucinda’s feet. Now that she was free she turned to see how the other’s fared. “Shit.” She cursed, realizing how outnumbered they were. In a flash of silver motion Lucy turned back to their attackers, a fire of determination and a spark of insanity in her eyes. Then with a yell of fury she took off at inhuman speeds, her blade-like arms cutting any arrow out of the air that descended on her. The first faun she came across did not even have time to blink before her arm came across it in an arc, slicing it in half before twirling and cutting into the flesh of the handful around it. Blood coated her as she fought, her blades swirling with deadly accuracy, and even through the death she smiled widely like a madwoman.