[center][i][b]Satori[/b][/i][/center] Satori paid little mind to Arkaeis as she led him through the winding College halls. She contemplated about asking the Headmaster about creating more convenient means of travel between the college; it was in fact so massive, Satori had already begun to create names of the various walkways and paths outside of the college akin to street signs. She occasionally also picked up cursory thoughts around the college, most of it of course coming form Arkaeis. After some fairly minor probing, she had a general gist of who he was, and a little more about his people; they came from the west and are currently settled on the Midnight Isles and have a peculiar mind set. They knew how to manipulate their own minds well enough to leave some Psychomancer's astray, but in the same way an angler fish would use it's glowing horn; merely a distraction from the greater threat. Satori did speculate that this man would likely be able to grasp the fundamentals of Wards well if he asks, and as of late, many people were asking for her warding classes. All of them wanted the classes specifically so she would not enter their minds. It amused her because they would fail, if simply because she would build them up in such a way that she could tear them down without resorting to her higher level magics, but that was mostly for her own amusement. One day, they would be able to stand up against her mental assault. For a while. Halfway to arriving to Lucilia's office Arkaeis inquired about Satori's job. He question was legitimate enough, but if his particularly veiled mind and and Satori's own infamy was taken into account, Satori would guess that this Arkaeis wanted to know more about her ability. She debated if she wanted to bother with subtly or simply announce her main occupation. On one hand, she is quite aware of how exasperated people can be at playing mind games and the threat of constantly being manipulated. It certainly has not won her any favors amongst the student population. On the other hand, it would be foolish for her to reveal her hand so soon, even if it will inevitably occur. [b]"Many of the staff here have various jobs for the college. It is not that we are undermanned, but simply because our talents and abilities makes us more qualified for certain jobs than others. I attend to the animals and livestock of the college, to ensure their health and preparation for whatever purpose they're needed for. Occasionally I also offer my services as an investigator for private matters. I make lectures on the magic of Illusions, Scrying, and Mental Fortitude for those who would care to listen, and occasionally I also provide guidance for my students."[/b] Satori guided Arkaeis through a large hallway that appeared to be under repairs. While structurally secure (Unless you were Uicle), it was apparent that these halls were scarred from a great battle with greater demons. The faint stench of their corpses still linger in the air, tainting the otherwise mundane stone walls and cobble. [b]"But do not trouble yourself Arkaeis, I can always make time to attend to small matters. I was actually on break when I came across you at the gates. We seem to be getting more new students today, many of whom are largely uninvited. Understandably many of our guardsmen are cautious of letting in newcomers after events in the past, however we will not turn away others under the influence of paranoia and from the fear of deceit."[/b] Soon enough Satori stopped in front of Lucilia's door. The heavy sounds of shuffling and moving boxes implied that Lucilia was in the process of filing papers or searching for a document. Her door was locked, so Satori could guess that it was rather important. She used her magic to alert Lucilia of her presence before giving one final statement to Arkaeis. [b]"You'd find that the college tends to be full of unexplored details, big and small, and often deals with things beyond it's scope of ability. But it still stands regardless of what's to come, much like those who attend it. And I would hope that you would stay with us to see the benefits of the college yourself. This is the office of Lucilia Riovas, the college secretary. It sounds as though she's busy at the moment, but-"[/b] And just as Satori was going to finish her sentence, the door opened. Lucilia's office looked rather well organized despite the previous shuffling, though she wasn't at her desk but still fingering through the shelf for a portfolio. Satori merely shrugged and smiled at Arkaeis. [b]"Enjoy your time at the college, Arkaeis. And enjoy the little things."[/b] And with that, Satori left Arkaeis with Lucilia. [center][i][b]Lucilia Riovas[/b][/i][/center] Soon after Satori left Lucilia was pushing a thick book into one of her many shelves and went to her desk with another student portfolio, fresh and ready to ink. Lucilia took a seat at her chair while she waited for Arkaeis to enter, motioning towards one of the two chairs that sat in front of her. The butt indention of one of the chairs made it heavily implied that someone had recently been sitting there. If not the indention, the warmth might have tipped Arkaeis off. [b]"You may come in! I apologize for not addressing you earlier. The sudden influx of students has me running after the applications all over again. Normally we hold summits to ensure that the college is prepared to take in the new student body, mostly so we can keep our larders adjusted and could keep our papers together. But enough of that! Welcome to the Twilight College, I am Lucilia Riovas, Herbmancy Teacher as well as Master Alchemist and Archivist of College Affairs. I take it that you are one of our newest additions to the college, Arkaeis, correct?"[/b]