. --- [centre][i]Darkness fills his eyes the man within now long gone only fire remains[/i][/centre] --- [centre][b]Vates and Vortex[/centre][/b] “How long do you think it will take to reach Vantus?” Vates inquired as he fiddled with the little blade he had acquired. The only equipment he had was his merc armour, that blade and his empty [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120624190942/fable/images/a/a4/Gauntlets_of_Wisdom.jpg]gauntlets[/url]. Fortunately Vortex’s equipment had all been brought aboard; the soldiers clearly recognised it to all be quality gear and probably planned to sell it. She had her sniper rifle (with a functioning plasma core), her sabre claws and her [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/004/4/3/female_assassin_concept_by_alexnegrea-d36gkk8.jpg]sleek (completely black) armour[/url] and [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/209/1/6/tali_holding_n7_helmet_3_by_gabylan121-d58y25o.png]helmet[/url]. “Hard to say. Depends on how much time we’ll have to spend avoiding military. I advise ditching this shuttle near Kell and trying to acquire another. I know we swept this thing but we can’t be one-hundred percent sure we’re clean.” Vortex seemed quite relaxed despite the topic and situation, she was just happy to be on this side of the wall and not be in a body bag or chains (anymore). Vates turned his head over his shoulder at the sound of a large thud in the cargo hold. Kansas and Benny were sparring, both taking their anger at the military out on the other. They weren’t the best of fighters but clearly had to have some degree of skill or prowess just to have survived the battle earlier. “Kell should work. I have a safety deposit there that should contain enough to cover any expenses we need.” Vates smiled to himself, glad that his safety precautions from before the event were still paying off. The criminal underworld was a risky business but it certainly encouraged one to plan ahead. “I have account in one of the local banks as well, but I imagine that its under military surveillance.” Vortex’s grip on the shuttle controls tightened, “Towards the end of my military service I realised that they had gathered a lot more information about me than I thought they could have. They probably know more about the way I work than the infamous Vates.” Vates felt like saying that he knew nothing about her, but knew that he would end up saying it in such a way as to make him to jealous or childish. “Tell me more about your military service. You said you were a hunter? They were the hosts that annihilated the Golden Mercs during the battles earlier.” Visions of Nekros, the undead and his companions being torn apart filled his mind. “Yes. I was one of the original members. Back then we were led by a guy named Garrus and mainly worked to take out notable threats and gather intel. But then the brass became more ruthless, Nekros replaced Garrus, and before long we were slaughtering civilians and stomping out any traces of hope that the people of Sovereign might have had...” Vortex paused for a moment to gather her thoughts, “I’ve killed a lot of people, but I’ve always been able to justify my actions to myself, been able to tell myself the targets were bad people. After a while of being a hunter you run out of justifications.” “So you just left?” “No. They tried to kill me on a field mission. I brought down the whole fucking skymall on their heads and ran. Managed to even kill a couple. The ones I really wanted to kill were Fang and Nekros but your buddies beat me to them.” --- [centre][i]His spawn hide away fearful of the fire father he will destroy all[/centre][/i] --- .