[quote=TheUnknowable] Quick question, is that the bridge of an X-304 from Stargate in the picture? It looks familiar.I'm in several other RPs and just started one, but if it doesn't take off I may join. This looks good. I've been trying to start a space colony RP for a while. Maybe this one will work. [/quote] Actually, that is apparently the bridge of Promehteus. Anyway, it is nice to know you are interested. In fact it is nice to know that anybody is interested in this idea. All we need is one more person to express interest and we can get rolling. [quote=Ispep] I must say, that was quite an introduction story. Anyway, you have my interest. On the matter of stats, I do like detailed stat systems, but that's just me. [/quote] Thanks. I wrote the intro in my free time after taking my midterms and added a few things when I got home. On the topic of stats, I am currently working on how they work and what each stat does.