Throin continued to watch the game from the corner of his vision, though he only had to wait a few moments. As the last individual entered shortly after him there was a small flurry of activity as the card players stood and left tougher, obviously the game was just a small distraction for this man before the real business started. Thorin grinned to himself at the idea of interrupting their game for the meeting, knowing that something like that would have driven him crazy if he was one of the players. As he moved over and sat at the central table he nodded at the offer of a drink, not caring particularly what was brought. As the others requested their various beverages, coffee, water and nothing, Thorin almost snorted, but resisted the urge to before he grunted “Whisky.” Thorin listened as the man spoke, and as he went around the table and summarised each of them he had to admit it looked like he’d done his homework on them and had selected them specifically to work this job for him based on their merits. It wasn’t the strangest thing in this world, and so Thorin didn’t feel so worried, plus his own ‘summary’ had given him some pleasure and a sinister grin had spread across his face for a few moments, his sharp teeth gleaming in the light of the backroom. The others seemed to be varied in their skills and abilities from what Johnson said, and together he was sure that they’d be able to handle any mission as long as no-one messed things up. Before the job was explained Mr Johnson asked “First, tell me, how much do you know of each other? And more importantly: what do you know of a corporation called Koch-Huang Industries?" Thinking for a few moments Thorin realised he hadn’t heard of any of the others. He’d not heard of the corp either – so he guessed it probably wouldn’t be selling weapons or booze or anything interesting like that. He listened as the street samurai Quicksilver was the first who spoke, pointing the question in the direction of the rigger, Thovren, was it? As he slid his cigarettes across the table and spoke of enforcer work Thorin nodded once to show that he was correct before he took one of the smokes and lit it up, adding to the rapidly accumulating cloud in the room before he slid the packet back, making a mental note that the street sam was now his favourite. The awakened one, Old Soul he had been called spoke up next, asking about some other corporation – Aztechnologies. Again Thorin hadn’t heard of it at all, but that didn’t surprise him. So many different corporations with so many different names that he couldn’t care less about. The Fixer spoke up "I know of Koch-Huang industries. They make good robotics and drone chassis designs. Expensive ones. Their designs are supposed to be fairly complex to figure out and look at. Most people couldn't tell if they were looking at a digital toaster or an explosive. I can only assume you are mentioning Koch-Huang because either they are helping us in some way. Or shooting at us by the end of the week.” Thorin grunted in amusement, at least this elf was to the point and right about one thing. Personally Thorin was sure it would be the latter, always seemed to be. Especially if this corp was responsible for high end drones and other bits, then it seemed plausible that they’d be stealing or sabotaging something, that was unless Kock-Huang were the ones looking for some dirty work to be done. Clearing his throat and removing his sunglasses Thorin took another drag on his smoke before he chimed in “Koch-Huang don’t ring any bells with me. To be honest I’m not one for names or faces…” As he finished speaking he took a swig from the glass that had been placed before him. The alcohol was surprisingly good quality, though it burnt his throat and eyes somewhat and he almost coughed. The sensation was actually quite pleasurable, and so he took another swig as he waited for someone else to speak, satisfied that his short summarising statement would be adequate for Mr Johnson and the others.