[quote=Drake Baku] All I say now isI already said seras cant be killedshe can but she comes backits part of her punishment. So no she cant be killed of you thi n k of it like thatFrom this point on I am stepping out from this conversationI admit nit having read all ooc posts so I might have missed somethingbut since we are the players and control the chars. I see no reason why you cant break char for a littleI did it with blakes Intro as wellso this is beginning to sound like you made a god modding player killer char amd refuse to let go of it.zmerr pm me if this gets resolved. Cause I wont read this ooc till it isas said if I missed something and it had already been resolved. Pm me as well with of possible an word of how its been resolved and I will make an apology for this post [/quote] I'm hoping things will come together soon. It's just a matter of communicating and perhaps a little compromise. Sometimes, that's how these things go.