Ragnarok was observing the girls reaction as he spoke and noticed her entire posture change at the mention of his family. Her fist's balled up till they turned white in anger. Her entire body seemingly shook at whatever unspoken memory rocked her mind. Soon her steps took up a new fever to escape the memory. Ragnarok wordless followed behind her for some time before his voice came out, unbidden by his mind, and rather then carrying the demonic tinge it carried a more lighter human tone. "My father is a pure blood demon of the kings court. My brothers were birthed by some of the finest pure blooded demons. I. I was birthed from a slave who my father bought because she looked like a pure blood. It was soon evident that she wasn't by how long she was pregnant. She was a half blood birthed by the unbidden human and demon relationship. After I was birthed my father put my mother in the horse stables like some kind of livestock. For four years she nursed me till she became to sick to do so..." He paused and place his hand on Lydianna's shoulder to stop her. " She died like an animal and I have striven every day of my life to kill that bastard of a father. Just as they have striven to kill me. I just want you to know that you are not alone in your sorrow's. And as much as you despise me, know that I suffered just as you have." He gently patted her shoulder before shifting past her and continuing down the road his hands at his sides, his own thoughts now brewing on his mind as well as the demon war machine in the east marching closer to them. He knew that there would be scouts before the border to either confirm their destination, or more then likely to try and kill them. He wondered if it was for the better to just not tell Lydianna what he thought was going to happen and just see how she reacted to the situation at hand. A subtle smirk played on his lips at the idea, quickly banishing the ill mood just moments before.