Raeven sighed as the last group was preparing to leave and sat down on the ground by the door to the shuttle. She winced as she felt her hip slip and sighed, resting her hand over where the pain radiated from her hip. She should have asked Ishigo to snag some morphine for her while he was in the city. The injury was most likely healing faster than a normal human, but she felt vulnerable like this. She only wished that she could have been more careful in her fight against Ghost. The rage she had felt for Ishigo's "death" had made her foolish. She'd known that he would have phased his chest when she kicked it, but her instincts had been in control at that moment. She was becoming foolish because of her feelings. A gust of wind blew through the small clearing, rustling the leaves and causing the grass to appear like an ocean. Raeven closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the forest, resting her head back against the shuttle. As an assassin, Raeven had never let her emotions consume her so much as they were now. She resented Ishigo and Hector for awakening them.  What good were they to Raeven other than to confuse her and cause her to make mistakes? Raeven let out a small groan and rubbed her eyes. As much as she hated the emotions, she had to admit that she enjoyed them. When she was around Ishigo, it felt like the good old days again. She couldn't care less what was happening at the wall, or how messed up the world could be. It was like she was home, safe and sound, and with one of her best friends to mess around in the fields with. A distant sound, like the buzzing of a fly caught her attention and she opened her eyes and looked around. Movement in the sky caught her attention and she looked up, frowning as a smoking shuttle began to dive towards the ground. She stood and climbed onto the shuttle to get a better view, ignoring the pain in her hip. A small object dropped from the shuttle before it deployed a parachute. She continued to watch the shuttle, wondering if it was military or a civilian shuttle that had hit a bird. A second object dropped from the plane, but no parachute deployed. She twisted her lips and watched, the object shoot towards the ground. The poor sucker must have had a faulty parachute. She moved her attention back to the shuttle and watched it continue its fatal fall towards the ground. Anyone left on the shuttle was most likely to perish in the crash. Raeven frowned when the shuttle flew below the clearing's tree line, leaving her view. She heard the distant boom when the shuttle hit and cringed. "What a shame," she murmured. She wanted to go discover who the parachuter was, but knew she shouldn't leave the shuttle. If it had been the military, she wouldn't want to run into the survivor with a hurt hip. With the spectacle over with, Raeven gripped a bar on the top of the shuttle and slowly lowered herself to the ground. Normally she would have had fun with it and flipped off, but today she felt like keeping the pain in her hip to a minimum. She returned to her spot against the shuttle and relaxed, waiting for the groups to finish their trip into the city.. She would tell Ishigo about the downed shuttle when he returned.