Lydia couldn't say that she wasn't surprised at the ruthlessness of Ragnarok's family. Demons were notorious for being ruthless, even to their own kind at times. However, Lydia knew enough to know that the treatment of Ragna and his mother was terrible even by demon standards and was on par with how the elves treated half-breeds. In that aspect their two races could be very much alike. What [i]did[/i] surprise Lydia was Ragna's willingness to share this information unbidden, the relative gentleness he exuded when he pat her shoulder, the empathy he exhibited. She watched him carefully as he slipped past her and began to see him in a different light. That wasn't to say that she trusted him--she still didn't know why demons had summoned her and if she would ever make it back to Termina alive--but the at least felt that they may be able to tolerate each other more. Shoulders slumping, her anger seeming to fade away, Lydia took a deep breath and let it out to further relieve herself--and to prepare her for what she was about to say. "Thanks, Ragna," she said simply as she followed behind him. He didn't know if he would accept her thanks for even acknowledge it, but Lydia had at least needed to say it. After all, he had thanked her for healing a wound that she had caused. They might not like each other, but being able to tolerate each other and work together would be necessary in their long journey if neither of them was to kill the other.