Shikako couldn’t keep her hands from shaking. The intensity from the clan leaders was so palpable, Shikako truly believed for a second that she could cut it with her kunai. Next to her, her father clenched his fingers and narrowed his eyes, but otherwise looked relaxed. Uncle Shikayo sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. How could they be so relaxed? What if a fight broke out? Danger seemed to be hanging over their heads due to these clans dispute – why weren’t they preparing themselves? Shikako swallowed and laid her hand on her kunai pouch, lax. But would somebody take it as a threat? Would someone attack her? Shikako hastily removed her hand. When the tension finally broke, Shikako breathed an audible sigh of relief. Her nerves relaxed and she rocked on her heels, staring at the ceiling once more. Next to her, she could feel more than see her uncle’s smirk as he thought of how [i]inadequate[/i] she was next to Shikashi, her stupid cousin. Biting her lip, Shikako refrained from saying something insolent, like reminding her uncle that Shikashi was a [i]warmonger[/i]. No, she shouldn’t stoop to something so petty. Still, the urge remained. The whole situation was just… “Troublesome.” Shikashi said aloud before her eyes widened. Did anybody hear her? Please, let it have been said quieter than she meant. Would anybody care? Would they take offense? Relax, relax, not relaxed! [i]Damnit.[/i]