[quote=Pepperm1nts] Actually, aren't you being over-descriptive?You don't need to know the intricate details of a character or nation's history in order to effectively collaborate with the writer behind it. All you need to do is read what the writer posts. By reading, you learn about whatever the writer is roleplaying and react to it accordingly. You will eventually gain an understanding of their creation, and be able to make posts about it without having to consult a sheet. Take Precipice of War for an example. We all play countries that are wildly different from their real-life counterparts, yet not one of us needs to consult each others' sheets to make posts and create a story together. This is because we have read each others' posts and watched our nations grow and be defined through in-character posts. We know what our nations are about because we created them together, in-character. [/quote] See that's a straight up insult and I don't appreciate that. I'm not continuing this conversation.