Ragna smiled a small sly grin before quickly banishing it away and muttering 'you're welcome.' to her from over his shoulder. Then they continued to walk in silence for the good portion of the night before the Demon stopped and knelt low, his demonic eyes flaring slightly in the clouded night. In the distance the crackle of fire could be heard, and the light could be seen wafting through the woods. Five demon's sat around it with what looked like a human torso cooking over the fire with blood sizzling in the embers. They were fully armored and geared to fight Ragna due to the spears that sat by their sides. The blades were painted black against the fire light as if coated in a viscous liquid that sucked in the light. They jested as a moan could be heard even from where the two travelers sat. " Shit it looks like they caught two people. Ones dead...but I think we can save the other one." He mumbled into his shirt before standing up. " When I give the signal. Take the two closer to us out. Ok?" With that order he slinked into the darkness, pretty much melding except for his eyes which still burned fiercely until he closed them and used his other sense to work his way through the woods. While not being as stealthy as an elf, he still had a great number of years eluding his family in his little quest to survive childhood. Sneaking, Ragna moved around the fire and moved forward through the brush entering the fire light. His eyes were open and they seemed to leave trails as he stepped over the girl chained to a tree by a rusty chain that dug into her neck that would obviously leave marks. She wimpered as the first scout was sliced in half before he could stand. Using the momentum of his strike he switched hands and lopped the head off the second one, and ending with the blade embedded in the chest of the third one. the third demon's spear clanked against the dirt floor as the last two demons stood with spears brandished and pointed at him. His own blade was placed backhanded to cover his body from any serious attack as he waited for them to drop.