[img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/fighter_zps693d488f.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kaliq "Kal" Handal [b]Alias:[/b] Variant [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers:[/b] Animal shapeshifting, flight, enhanced strength and senses, and alien anatomy. Kaliq's DNA was spliced with that of an alien species known as Vari. The Vari have the ability to shapeshift into any creature on their planet. That ability was transferred to Kaliq, who can shift into any [b]Earth[/b] creature. When at his best, he can shift into 'superforms' of regular animals. A giant, enhanced wolf, an armored elephant, an extra fast cheetah, ect. Aside from his shapeshifting, Kaliq's anatomy was changed. He grew feathered wings like those of the Vari, with armored plating at their bases. When they sit folded, almost his entire back is protected by the plates. However, when spread, he becomes more vulnerable. Other changes took place as well. His organs shifted to resemble those of the Vari: his heart now sits lower in his abdomen. A shot to the chest wouldn't necessarily be lethal. His ribs grew wider, making the spaces between them less vulnerable and his torso harder. His genitalia became internal, like a reptile, making them harder to damage. [b]Weakness:[/b] His superforms take more energy than normal shapeshifting, so any major injury or malnutrition would hinder him. Aside from that, he's vulnerable to fire, blows to the stomach (where his heart his), and other typical human weaknesses. [b]Experience:[/b] Military training, martial arts training, typical spyguy training [b]Appearance:[/b] At first glance, Kal looks like your average dude. His brown[url=http://natureskills.wildernessawaren.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/game_bird_wing.jpg] wings[/url] fold perfectly into his back, making them easy to hide under clothing. The leathery armor scales that plate the back of them are tough and hard, but mostly flat. Kaliq is of Arab ethnicity. He has medium brown skin, brown eyes, black hair. [b]Notes:[/b] He speaks several languages, Arabic being his native tongue. [b]History:[/b] Born in a small village of Iraq, Kaliq was no stranger to war. When his town was invaded and pillaged by a terrorist organization, The Black Ring, all able bodied men and young boys were forcefully loaded onto trucks and driven into the desert. They were given a choice: join the Ring or die. Kaliq, as a boy barely old enough to understand the wars his people fought, chose to live. At the age of 9, he became part of an experimental program to create super agents. Him and 5 other young boys had their DNA spliced with that of an alien race's, known as the Vari. The 4 other boys died, leaving Kaliq to be the only success. His anatomy was changed; he was half human, half alien. He was trained by the best men the Black Ring had. He knew weapons inside and out, how to kill a man 27 different ways without touching them, and so on and so forth. When Kaliq was 17, he was sent to the United States to preform an act of terrorism. However, he was stopped by one of the country's superheroes. Kaliq was taken into custody and probably would have rotted his life away in prison had someone not taken pity on him. As it was, one of the agents that apprehended him took him to the government's T.U.S.A division: Tactical Usage of Superhuman Agents. He didn't see Kaliq as a terrorist, but as a sorely misled and exploited child. At TUSA, they were able to shake the brainwashing propaganda he'd been forcefed for the last decade and a half, and turn him over to their side. As he aged, he became one of their best agents. However, while on a mission, Kaliq was captured by a villainous crimelord known as Russo, and brainwashed to be used for sinister purposes. So far, all rescue efforts have failed. [b]Commitment:[/b] Can prolly post once or twice a day.