hold onto your butts!!!!!!!! [hider=Mysterious Saber] [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/c58O7Iu.jpg] [url=http://youtu.be/FR_-v6BXFLk]Tiny sized shining knight[/url][/center] [b]Name:[/b] ?????? ???????, The One That Legend Forgot [b]Class:[/b] Saber [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]DoB & Death:[/b] 6th Century [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Weapon:[/b] ????????. [b][u]Parameters:[/b][/u] [i]STR - C END - B AGI - B MAN - C LCK - A-[/i] [b][u]Class Skills:[/b][/u] [b]Magic Resistance [*]B:[/b] Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for him to be affected [/*] [b]Riding [*]B:[/b]Most vehicles can be handled with above average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasm Races such as Monstrous Beasts. [/*] [b][u]Personal Skills:[/u] Bravery [*]A+:[/b] The ability to negate mental interference such as pressure, confusion and fascination. At A+, ?????? gains the bonus effect of increased melee damage.[/*] [b]Guardian Knight [*]C:[/b] Friends, family and lovers. So long as he is fighting to defend anyone within those groups, he gains a boost to his defences.[/*] [b]Knight of Christendom [*]C:[/b] ????? gains a rank up to his Str stat, although this is invisible to all but his master.[/*] [b]Instinct [*]C+:[/b] Only active if ????? is outclassed by an opponent (????? immediately reads the opponent, getting a 'feel' for them in comparison to himself).[/*] [b]Charisma [*]EX:[/b] Jesus Christ how adorable.[/*] [b][u]Noble Phantasms[/b][/u] [b]Secret of Pedigree[/b] [i]Remnant of the Shameful Queen Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Rank: D Range: 0 Targets: 1 (Self)[/i] ??????'s parentage is a secret, and for good reason. The tools which would otherwise discern their link to their parents is covered up. However, unlike its brother Noble Phantasms, their face and stats are still be observable. [hider2=Following hidden by Secret of Pedigree] [b]??????[/b] [i]?????? Type: ?? Rank: EX[/i] [b]??????[/b] [i]? Type: Anti-Unit Rank: B Range: 1-2 Targets: 1-2[/i][/hider2][/hider] [hider=Trivia] [b]Likes:[/b] Football, protecting maidens, spending time with family, mother [b]Dislikes:[/b] Elementals, inconsiderate, parents, etiquette and tradition [b]Talents:[/b] Swordsmanship, football, fortune telling, gardening [b]Natural Enemy:[/b] Siegfried, Lancelot, Leonhard, Sebastien [hider2=Questions] [b]Name:[/b] [i]I cannot tell you.[/i] [b]Height:[/b] [i]Growing.[/i] [b]Weight:[/b] [i]Light, but heavy when I need to be![/i] [b]Three sizes:[/b] [i]Eeee?[/i] [b]Home:[/b] [i]Where my heart is, with my Master.[/i] [b]Birthday:[/b] [i]Hmm...[/i] [b]Weak point:[/b] [i]My family, but they are also my greatest strength.[/i] [b]Fetishism:[/b] [i]Unspeakable! Rude![/i] [b]What do you want from your partner?[/b] [i]Stubborn, driven and wild.[/i] [b]What color underwear do you like?[/b] [i]?![/i] [b]How do you spend your free time?[/b] [i]Exploring.[/i] [/hider2][/hider]