[i]Althalus[/i] He expected her to do something like that. That's why he had jumped so far out of the way of her tail, closer to the door.Althalus had expected her to wrap her tail around him and throw him in, or something like that. What he didn't expect, was for her to grab him and throw him in. Leaving her defenseless. In a heartbeat, he was back on his feet, only to be knocked down again by her scythe hilt into his ribs. The wind was knocked out of him, thus preventing him from immediately replying to Mar's hiss, or helping Leith blockade the door. Their guide, on the other hand, left Coco in a reasonably safe corner and helped, carefully ignoring the argument he could see coming. When Althalus regained his breath, he decided to answer Leith's question first. Tightly controlled anger colored his words as he picked himself up, briefly glancing around before turning his gaze on Leith. "If it was any other mageblood than Obligatio, I'd say yes. A flood would stop flooding if the mage causing it was knocked out. Same thing if a mage caused an earthquake, or an inferno. But not Necromancers.. They give life to things and then orders. And those things only stop being alive when the Necromancer decides they can, or the Necromancer is dead. So yes, the only way to stop this is to kill him. Unless," He added sarcastically, "he can be convinced to kindly stop trying to have all his 'subjects' kill us. Somehow I think it'll be easier just to kill the little bastard. And the only way Grey won't be able to handle him is if there's a small army of weapons or corpses in there with him. Because once Grey finds him, all he has to do is kill him. Speaking of that, where's my crossbow?" The casual way Althalus spoke about the killing of a child clearly made their guide uncomfortable,as he wordlessly handed the assassin his crossbow. "And as for you." Althalus whirled on Mar, taking a few short steps towards her. If she had been his height, they would have been nose to nose. As it was, he had to crane his head up to look at her. "If you ever do something that [i]stupid[/i] to me again I will kill you, have Uicle resurrect you, and then kill you again! You could have died!" A small part of him, that wasn't focusing on the stupidity of his child's mother, noticed that the both of them were covered in gore and the Gods only knew what else, from their brief stand against the horde. The horde that was currently pounding against Leith and the guide's barricade. With no care for their own health, judging from the sounds of tearing and snapping outside. [b][i]The 'King'[/i][/b] If the Necromancer noticed the door being kicked open he didn't make any sign. He was too busy shaking his head violently back and forth, his arms randomly throwing out in vague warding gestures. The purple light seemed to be coming from his very veins, outlined underneath his skin and pulsing in time with his heartbeat. In the brief moment he paused, his eyes could be clearly seen as bright purple lights. His screaming was still largely unintelligible, but some statements could be made out. "No father, [i]I[/i] am the man of this household now! Don't you dare speak to me like that mother! Shut up Becky, this was for the greater good! THEY PROMISED ME YOUR DEATHS WOULD NOT BE IN VAIN! THEY LIED! LIED, LIED, LIED! But I'll find them! And I'll make them pay! ALL OF THEM. They will all pay in [i]blood[/i]!" Unbeknownst to the child, his silver ring flew off his finger when he violently gestured with his hand. As luck would have it, it found a crack in the floorboards, straight down to the living room where Leith was standing. If anyone noticed the quick silver blur, they would have noticed that it changed course in the air. Rather than falling to the ground next to Coco, it landed neatly in Leith's pocket. The Necromancer finally opened his eyes and noticed Grey. "You again! Where are your friends? Torn apart by my servants?" He giggled madly. "Such a shame. You barely start your invasion and already most of your force is decimated. Just like that Yarosmerian invasion force! They [i]claimed[/i] to be ambassadors, but I saw through their sneaky trick! They ran into the forest to their lying friends, but I took three of their number as payment! And I'll take you too! And make you walk into the forest to send a message to the liars! War is coming." He giggled again. "But I'm a fair King." He opened his arms wide, as if receiving a hug. "I'll let you have the first blow. Do your worst, for as soon as you fail, I shall do mine." He smiled as widely as possible, showing that all his teeth were stained red.