[b][u]Alaira Taenn[/u][/b] Alaira sighed, noting how... defensive Meirin seemed. Granted it had lessened, but it wasn't like she was gonna hit her... She listened to her words, silent. She... she did have Lyn, and Athalus. Mar, she wasn't so sure about... And the teachers... she hated most of them, and they HAD to hate her back. In particular, she despised that... that monster, Tyrael. And coming from her, that was something. She sighed, calmed slightly by the woman's words, only she didn't accept the Handkerchief, she didn't really use those things. She listened further, not really believing what the woman said. She was just... just trying to use her, she rationed. It was all just flattery, mending a broken tool so it would obey... She listened to her last little speech, actually scoffing at the 'people aren't so bad line... Still, she let her finish. "And what about the bad ones, huh? Most people ain't so good either, happy to just let shit happen so long as it doesn't mess with them..." She said, spiteful. "All I can do is smash the bad ones wherever I find 'em, and look how that's gone... There's a lot of evil in this here world, and there's no escaping it, just delaying when you give in..."