[i]Well, that was specific.[/i] Evelin could almost roll her eyes at how non-descriptive that answer was. She did not push the matter though, sticking with staring fixedly ahead of her at the passing scenery. Stores, both familiar and not, danced past her peripheral vision. She had visited this part of town once or twice since moving here for work, these visits did not occur often though due to her busy schedule. It seemed they were becoming further and further from her home, her hopes of curling up on the couch and lighting the fireplace coming crashing down around her. That would not happen anytime soon. Unlike Samuel, Evelin was completely oblivious to the beings lurking in the shadows. She had not a single inkling that she was being watched, hunted, and searched out by these creatures. Her mind was instead questioning just where Samuel was leading her, growing a little wary when he began to guide her through a dimly lit and dirty alley way. Evelin stepped cautiously over puddles and heaps of trash, the hairs of her neck standing up as she felt the air shift. Her entire body tensed, stopping right behind Samuel, terror filled eyes watching as the entities appeared around them. Evelin’s breath caught in her throat as she looked around, realizing that their attention was turned to her with hungry and wanting stares. Ice cold dread coursed through her veins, noticing how outnumbered and trapped they were. Sensing the girl’s fear one of the beasts lunged forward, causing a chain reaction as several others made to grab her first. They had seemingly forgotten the presence of Samuel, unlike a few of them who slowly approached the man with some sense of caution. Evelin let out a squeak, her voice dying in her throat. Terrified, she cringed inward but the nightmarish hands never reached her. Instead she heard several heavy thumps and when she looked back at her assailants they were picking themselves up after hitting some invisible force. Back on their feet once more they lashed out again and Evelin watched with shocked eyes as they bounced off some sort of wall. The air around her shifted at the contact, revealing a bubble of dark and incomprehensible energy. Then all of a sudden it was gone, the space around her growing brighter now that it had dissipated. Even though the hindrance was gone the creatures did not move to lunge again, choosing to rejoin the ranks of monsters around the two. [i]Just what was that?[/i] Believing it to have been Samuels doing the woman glanced over at him, noting the fighting stance he had taken up and the glowing embers around his hands. “Whatever that was… thanks.” She quickly said, then without another utterance she turned her attention back to watching the beasts that surrounded them.