[i]Excellent. No questions. I could get used to this new girl. If she was a girl. You can never tell these days. Transgenders, hybrid human-whatevers, androgynous humanoids, mimics; Gender is too much of a fucking minefield today. Same with race. Age. Christ, what isn't a minefield? Silence, I suppose. Yes, silence was a good non-minefield topic. I can just enjoy my cigarette and wait for Ralen to-[/i]. "[b]What was with you and the other guy back there? Friend feud, or...?[/b]" [i]And she found a minefield anyhow. Won-der-ful.[/i] Sven removed the coffin nail from between his lips and let out a long slow breath, letting his chest sloly compress until every touch of air and smoke was expelled, leaving him for want of breath and only when he was dying for a taste of air did he indulge himself. "Now..." He exhaled after several moments of silence, his eyes flickering from her to the cigarette, to Ralen, and back again, "She's not exactly wrong in that. You know, typically when I let a newbie ask any question, I hear things like '[i]What do you do here[/i]' or that type of thing. Usually newbies aren't too hard pressed to get into the personal lives of folks they've known for only a few minutes and if I hadn't given you the go ahead to ask away, I'd have told you to get out of my sight." Sven took another drag and held it for awhile, thinking of what he wanted to say, what would answer her question without giving her ammunition to use against either him or Troike. He frowned slightly, sending a stream of gray smoke from his flared nostrils, holding onto whatever thoughts he had until the smoke had drained from him. "Troike and I have a fundamental, philosophical difference in action, lifestyle, ethics, etc, etc," Sven said with a wave of his hand, sending lingering smoke away from him, only for it to be blown back to him by a floor vent. "Mostly, he doesn't approve of my lifestyle and I think it grates on him that I live the way I do while Orion looks the other way. He also voiced against my being added to the team after my training mission; I had been on something at the time, Cyrogen? Yeah, Cyrogen. Rubbed him the wrong way." Sven didn't bother to go into what Cyrogen was, not bothering to explain to her that it was a backwoods adaptation to the coolant used in cryogenic freezing. If it weren't for the regenerative nature of Sven's body, he would be missing most of his teeth, be mostly blind, and bald, probably would've swallowed his tongue by now. That's what happened to most Cryogen addicts, and an addiction it was. Sven nearly clawed out his own eyes after quitting cold turkey and locking himself inside Mjolnir for a week and a half with a bottle of supplements, and barely enough food and water to make it through the ordeal. That all was part of a story for another day or, preferably, never. Sven scratched at the back of his neck and looked around his bay, biting his bottom lip, "He might also be under the impression that my talent is wasted on me." Sven shrugged and went back to his cigarette, done with the topic. [i]I can't exactly blame Troike for thinking that. It's the only thing I'd ever agree with him on.[/i] He scowled as he remembered that he called Ralen there for a reason and her comment was playing back in his head. "I'd have expected you of all people to know that something like this lacks the... fire power to kill me," Sven groaned as he forced himself to his feet, flicking the cigarette onto the floor before grinding it under his heel, "Anyhow, what I called you here for..." Sven put his back to them and took a moment to find the proper capsule, it opening up at the touch of his fingertips. "I want to drop you once we reach the lower atmosphere and have you do a sweep of the area before the rest of us arrive. This is the dry run and we can't risk tearing apart the ruins so I'll only be dropping you. I've already tested it myself a few weeks back and you should land with nothing more than a few bruises." Sven then stepped back from the capsule, allowing her to get a full view of it. Like the other capsules, it was six feet in height, though it was loaded with the basic necessities to ensure she'd survive the drop, as well as a two-way comm between the capsule and Ichaival. Sven rapped his knuckles on the capsule next to it, a muted thump echoing back. "These are a variety of bombs, mostly my adaptation of neutron bombs. It's a bit more complicated than that and given that time is short, I'll explain it later, but in a normal situation I'd be dropping these with you to make your drop less conspicuous. From what the newbie says, I don't see any threats too pressing to put off testing any longer." He smirked for the first time since that day, his unusually white teeth visible between his parted lips, "You game?"