Roan felt his body ripple with the energy when he hit the ground below. The landing's very vibration shook his frame and sent a rush into his limbs causing Roan to rear upward. His hind legs coiled and balanced underneath, his right paw braced against the wall to gain a sense of where he had plummeted. The wolf's back roared in pain causing him to snarl when someone approaching caught his attention. The blade twisted deeper into his fur and increased his suffering, causing a fresh wave of warmth to drip down his torso. In moments it absorbed into the ground and vanish from sight. At his abrupt drop, several people had stopped in their tracks. Their heads turned to see the creature which had leapt from the wall’s high point and now stood among them. Eyes, some curious and most frightened, looked onto his large form that now stood out sending quite a number instinctively stepping back half a step. In the light, Roan’s dark fur seemed to reflect none making him more demonic then he really was. Suddenly a woman screamed. Roan’s lips pulled back and snarled reflexively in reply. Already his vision had become blurred, the human like shapes fuzzy and irritating in his mind, his aggressive actions made them start to rush away. Again, he growled at the nearest one following it with a loud snap of his jaws. The young man was sent reeling back. His things were crushed underneath as he scrambled back to his feet, haste made to avoid the now angry thing. Fear of Roan's maw sinking into him driving the lad, and many others, into a panic. Shortly several men, women and children had started to rush away which only made him more unease. It was fortunate the knife held firmly within his back. Else Roan would’ve noticed the hunger, a deep, primal need, clawing at him. Already that goat he had consumed had faded a while ago, leaving a void where it once sat within his middle. In addition, his continual transformation from man to beast hadn’t helped his condition. In fact, his prior actions merely worsened it. His fur bristled in alarm while he noted more fuzzy shapes began to pull back causing him to whip his head behind. There was an empty alley behind him. Gingerly, he turned around in place and dropped to all fours. Wasting little time, he then jerked forward, his body rushed quickly down the isolated alleyway. Unknowing where his instincts drove him or in his fear, caring where save for being far from here. Roan didn't know how long he had ran, not even recall the distance he travel. All he knew, was that he felt heavy and cumbersome. Completely exhausted by the end of it. For a moment, his ears could only hear the dripping sound of his own blood hitting the ground, leaving droplets behind in a wobbly path. His body flared from each motion his full out running form had made earlier, the muscles ached and jerked, his tissue unable to mend the damage in his back. At not while the blade was still inside him. Already his strength had started to wane. Where his paws landed became more awkward, tripping him slightly before they entangled and he tumbled forward. Immediately he landed into an abandoned crate. The wooden box creaked and splintered, collapsing instantly from the beast’s weight leaving his form to settle onto it. Unable to move anymore, the only signs of life was his chest rising in labored breaths. Already his vision was surrounded by blackness creeping into it, alarming both man and beast inside. His eyes flickered yet he barely had any energy to move, his bones, flesh and fur had already started to melt back into his original state. His snout became shorter, pressing into his face where his canine shrank back into size, the black nose once more colored white and normal again. For a second time, his right arm, now bare and furless, weakly reached for the blade fixed in his back. He felt his fingers touch and gently, he tugged. His reward was immediate pain washing over him. It wrench in his body making him regret his attempt to pull it free. Not longer able to stand the pain, he admitted defeat. His hand retreated, coming back empty and redden by his efforts. Something move, his head jerked upward in worry just to relax. A stray dog had wandered close by, its nose sniffed the area loudly and drew close, pressed it softly to Roan's cheek. He fought not to flinch at the coldness touching his skin as his hand reach weakly for the hound’s narrow head, stroking the fur gently with his fingers. The man smiled weakly then felt himself begin to fade out. His hand fell back upon his side when a new sound made the hound’s head jerk to attention. It made a soft growl in warning and finally took off down the alley where Roan had come from. By the time the hound’s tail had faded, Roan could hear something large approach. He was uncertain if this stranger or whatever would stop and pay him mind or merely move on, part of him didn't care either way. Roan forced himself to keep awake, though it wouldn't be for long. Though the blade had managed to stopper most of the blood loss, he still felt weak and dizzy from what was already gone and tried his best to sit up. He felt the dagger pushed against making him bite back a whimper, his voice filled by an accent that announced his origins within the Kalesian Empire, his tone sounding hoarse even in his own ears when he spoke. "If you aim on killing me...then I suggest you just keep moving because it's easier to come back later. Namely after I'm dead." He shifted and again, reaction outside his control reached his mask."Ahhhh, damn it."