Lydia would be lying if she said that Ragna himself suggesting they save the girl from the demons didn't take her by surprise. Not many demons, or even half-demons,ever showed as much kindness or mercy as Ragna had shown today. She realized she may have to reevaluate her thoughts of him. Yet at the same time Lydia did not completely believe what she was seeing. Every single word and action from Ragna so far that day could have just been a elaborate facade. Regardless of whether she believed in the half-demon's kindness, they would at least save the girl. She hid herself in the shadows as she waited for the signal from Ragna. Her eyes had no trouble seeing in the dark and so she was able to trace his every movements. She could see his eyes burning like pin-pricks of fire, almost appearing to leave trails. Soon he was upon the pack of demons and had dispatched a majority of them. The last two had been left for her. They fell moments after Ragna had killed the others, each demon with an arrow through his skull. Lowering her bow Lydia stepped out of the shadow and into the light of the campfire. "A weak pack, it would seem," she observed to Ragna. Turning to the girl she knelt down to undo the chain on her neck. "Are you alright?" Lydia asked her as she tossed away the chain. The girl only trembled, tears threatening at the corners of her eyes. Pulling a waterskin from her belt Lydia gave it to the girl so she could drink some before using more of it to clean the girl's wounds. She applied the same ointment as she had used on Ragna earlier, then spoke the healing incantation. When that was done Lydia pressed two fingers to the girl's forehead and mumbled some words in the elvish tongue. The girl slumped sideways and Lydia caught her and gently lowered her to the ground, taking off her own cloak and folding it up to give the girl a pillow. "I thought it would be best if she got some sleep," Lydia said, finding another cloak to draw over the girl. "I made it so she wouldn't dream. We should get rid of the bodies--both human and demon. No need to have them lying around attracting wolves and other predators. And given that there's already a campfire going we can probably just stop here for the night."