[B]A World of Progressive Magic: The Magical Peace Corps - Reboot![/b] [b]Intro[/b] In the 21st Century, The World limped on, enduring crisis after crisis, somehow surviving despite refusing to completely band together. Terrorism, war, protest and intrigue, all of those proceeded for several decades. However, so did research, science and technology, and of course, the deleterious effects of humanity's exploration of the Earth. Seas rose, ice caps melted, storms grew worse, and entire nations, like Kiribati, sunk into the waves. In the end, though, humanity made it through to the end of the century...which was when everything changed. Across the globe, people observed strange lights. As more appeared they seemed to join into one, enveloping the whole world. The illumination was gon just as fast as it appeared, but the consequences of this phenomenon were worse than anything that plagued humanity in the past. Half of the world's population, 6 Billion souls, disappeared, not just from the planet, but from people's memories, just the same as everything they once might have owned, their houses, possessions, nothing remained that even hinted that they ever existed. No one could protest, after all with their memories gone, it was as nothing ever happened... Nevertheless, losing memories wasn't the only change those remaining humans experienced, something more profound seemed to have begun. They developed not physically, but on a deeper level. Men and women experienced visions, felt energies coursing through them, and witnessed strange interactions with those beyond their world. A few discovered they could tap into those strange new powers and control them, discovering in them the power of, what would later be called, Magic. Although times have remained peaceful and progressive, not all was well. Humans weren't the only ones who awakened to this new power, animals and the planet itself also changed. Due to this the landscape evolved and a new species of creatures, Magical Beasts, was born. These beings would be different in temprament as they are in body, with some just content to stay in their natural habitat, while others would actively hunt humans for sport. Some even worked with humans, but that was a rare occurance. With this new threat to people, the conflicts amongst their own kind and just for the sake of living in this new world, the Magical Peace Corps were created. Their job was to protect those that couldn't do so themselves, aid those that required help and educate others on magic so it wouldn't be misused. ------ Basically, guys, this is a reboot of A World of Progressive Magic: An Arcane 2100s, where the optimistic history of progress, followed by a dark conclusion, is instead replaced with a grittier and more realistic history...which has a calm and peaceful end - unless you can't ignore the disappearance of half of humanity! Anyway, this starts out as an Academy RP for the first few rounds, but then becomes a Chase RP, instead. [b]Mods:[/b] Letter Bee Aqutanama [b]Chief Consultant[/b] Lucek [b]Magic[/b] Magic is theoretically innate to all, but to actually advance in it, you need the help of a Mentor; someone who is somewhat more advanced in Magic than you are. Bascially, you just describe what you can do under 'Magical Powers' (see below), and we'll see if it's too overpowered or not. Note, however, as a rule, that Magi from the Magical Peace Corps use the Codified Magic System (See below). [b]The Codified Magic System (Optional, Lore Only)[/b] [hider=There are Ten Areas of Magic:] Space - Teleportation, Superspeed, Flight (shared with Energy), Scrying the Present. Time - Scrying the Future, Bullet Time, and putting Conditional Effects on Spells (for example, casting a gun to shoot Fireball 'X' number of times). Energy - Electricity, Heat, Light, Cold (which is the removal of heat), Magnetism, Gravity, Polarity, Sound, Telekenesis, Flight (shared with Timespace) etc. Mentalism - Mind Control, Mind Reading, Illusions. Life - Healing, Controlling Plants and Animals, Mutation. Death - Killing, Destruction, Necromancy and Undoing Necromancy (Making sure that people die peacefully) Matter - Transmuting Matter, Changing the States of Matter (Turning Water to Ice, or Gas, Solidifying Air), and Conjuring Matter (in conjunction with Prime). Fate - Increasing or decreasing Luck. Law - Making Magic Lasting, Making Magitech, Conjuring up Silver Bolts of Light that harm High-Level Mages. Otherness - Contact with Other Dimensions, Taming Extra-Dimensional Entities like Spirits, Creating New Spirits, and going to Other Dimensions. [/hider] [b]References:[/b] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Sphere_(MTAs)]Spheres[/url] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Arcana_(MTAw)]Arcana[/url] [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Spirit_(WOD)]Spirits[/url] [hider=Learning Spells] Spells can be learned through IC actions, such as practice and meditation. However, later in the RP you will gain access to special trinkets, a combination of Grimoires and Artifacts from Canon!Mage the Awakening, which allow you to both cast spells and learn them. And, I realize that this is a restriction on the original system, but no, you cannot make up your own spells, nor use a spell that you have not requested for or 'officially released' yet. More on this below.[/hider] [hider=The 'Released Spells' system] Okay, this is a break from Canon!Mage, but we needed a counterbalance for the removal of Paradox, aka a way to stop the PCs from godmoding. So, we're going to use a new system: Basically, we release three 'Sample Spells' from each School, and you guys have automatic access to said Sample Spells, and [i]only[/i] the Sample Spells, with the potential to learn more. As the RP Progresses, we shall release new 'Learnable Spells' for every page of the IC. As mentioned before, these Learnable Spells are present either as instructions and pieces of lore given by NPCs, or as special trinkets that allow you to cast said spells without practice, but would leave you devastated should you lose them.[/hider] [b]Places of Power[/b] [b]Demesnes:[/b] Places that, because they were special before the Awakening Surge, form a reservoir of magic that strengthens one's spells. Desmenes are attuned to one School, for example; the still-intact Statue of Liberty are a Fate Demesne, while the Isle of Corregidor in the Philippines is a Timespace Demesne. Demesnes, to be fully used, need Manses, which are structures that are equivalent to a House, Factory, Power Plant, and Hydroelectric Dam. [b]Shadowlands:[/b] Demesnes made by killing lots of people. Shadowlands cause the dead to rise, creatures to mutate, the air itself to be filled with horror, and its energies can only be used by the most depraved of Magi. Due to the peace, few Demesnes are Shadowlands; this didn't change with the disappearance of half of humanity, as the disappeared aren't dead. [B]Rules:[/b] 1.) The RP is set in an undisclosed location, in the year 2100, just so you know. 2.) All players are part of the Magical Peace Corps. 3.) Technical Pacifism is enforced upon the PCs. No killing, no permanent harm, no mutilations, no torture, no outright mind control unless your life is in danger (mental suggestions are okay). Part of the fun is finding ways to fight without doing those things. It's okay to go all-out when fighting undead, though. 4.) No controlling another PC's actions unless you're the GM and the player is absent. 5.) Yes, this is the Anti-Shadowrun. 6.) Rules for Conjuration: With Matter, you can conjure up non-living, non-undead stuff, but it's only temporary unless you have Law, even then, you can only conjure as much as your own body weight. 7.) In OOC Chat, don't be a jerk. 8.) New Rule: While the Magic System of AWoPM is based on Mage: The Ascension and Mage: The Awakening, I reserve the right to override their rules with my own houserules: -Souls are now Immortal except for the Avatar, the part of said soul that allows you to use Magic. You can hurt them, you can control and bind them, and you can send them to the True Afterlife, but you cannot destroy them except for the Avatar. -Cuffs enchanted with all Nine Schools of Magic in order to restrain Rogue Magi are not feasible in both Mage gamelines, but they are viable here, meaning that even Archmagi can be captured. - Artifacts and Grimories have been merged; it is now possible to learn spells from Magical Items. [b]Character Sheet:[/b] [B]Character Sheet[/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Magical powers/ Physical Abilities:[/B] [B]Flaws:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] List of approved characters (After the Restart): [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60022/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1974607]Johnathan Alexander Vanderswift[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60022/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1975465]Ascot Harper[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60022/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2010080]Hibiscus[/url] [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60022/posts/ooc?page=4#post-2064533]Omega[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60022/posts/ooc?page=5#post-2117747]Serenity Arvennicus[/url] ------ So, anyone interested?