"I know what you mean. Biscuits can be good. But when it looks like a healthy sandwich, it really ruins the taste doesn't it. Luckily the apple tastes okay." Kali commented on his cooking skill. Indeed it was very nifty to not have any cleaning up, or waiting time really, while cooking. Luckily the pat on his back didn't hurt in this world. This new body of his was a lot more sturdy than the one in the other world. As much as this world looked like a game, he couldn't see it as them being inside of one. It all felt too real for that. This wasn't a game. This was somehow now life for them. Or at least, that's what he thought. And what a part of him that he didn't want to admit to, kind of hoped was true. A chance to start a new life, and in a world of fantasy with the powers of a game character no less didn't sound too bad considering where he had come from. "Glad you think about it that way. Most people in the game told me to stop being so concerned about all the details and just enjoy the game. But I guess this is kind of my way of enjoying it. Even better than you're not bothered by it, though that's understandable since those numbers I love so much come in handy now. I'm not much for guilds though... I can't stand being the centre of attention. Makes me nervous. Also a reason I wanted to go out I guess. The crowd of the city, with so many players together..." He shrugged, taking another bite of his apple. "But who knows, maybe I'll think about it differently now that it looks like this world will be our life for an undetermined amount of time. And if it's true that we can resurrect, then I guess I won't have a choice but to involve myself with larger groups, since then I definitely want to try out raiding." After finishing his part of the apple Alakai stood and stretched a little. His body felt light and rested again. And that while they had only been there 10 minutes or so. The food had probably helped as well. It tasted completely wrong, but with every bite he could physically feel the improvement in his mana, health and fatigue. "Let's get going. I'm almost level up anyway. Too bad we can't see a fatigue bar in the status window as well. In the game there were penalties if you killed too many enemies too quickly. Hence why most had safe area's like these. We should keep going though. The faster we're done here, the more time we have to...hmm..." He stopped himself, thinking to himself for a moment. "If this is a fresh start in a new life, do I really want to spend all day, every day, levelling up? That's the exact same thing I did back in the other world..." He turned to Kali and smiled. "Actually, instead of just grinding today, how about we try to finish the dungeon quickly and have some time to enjoy this land's scenery? We went through the forest, the plains and that village quite quickly. We could take an hour or so to rest and go sightseeing around the village."