Terabinthia was a land that was ravaged by an uncontrollable power called magic. Necromancers, monsters, sorcerers, and magicians used that power without restraint or self-control. Towns and villages were decimated and the non-magic users pushed back into a mountain stronghold were they fought every day to survive. That was until a young boy and girl fell in love in the mountains. They were not particularly special both twenty years of age. In that time life was short and it was not long till they were married and had their first child a boy. But this is not there story. This is the story of their children and to understand that story we must skip ahead two years, a month after the birth of their second child, a beautiful baby girl, Thea Sinclair. Though magic and its misusers still rage in the heart of Terabinthia the stronghold of the powerless people has held with hard work and sacrifice, it is there last refuge. Leslie Sinclair, the mother of the new born Thea, tired from the long pregnancy ventures outside the safety of the walls. After all it's been weeks since a threat was sighted and the exquisite view and fresh air would do her good. The view from outside the stronghold is the most beautiful in all of Terabinthia. From it you can see the forests, valleys, rivers, lakes, plains, opposite mountain ranges and the very shape of Terabinthia itself. Unforchantly if anyone is looking properly they can also see you from any of those locations. It wasn't long before the hunters came for her. Hunters were crude magic users that must once have been human. Their skin is deformed and grey and they use magic to heighten their senses. From a distance they could be mistaken for reanimated corpses. They who had the diligence to keep watching the stronghold saw Leslie resting against a rock and they came hard and they came fast. It was twenty minutes before Jesse her husband heard that she'd been spotted running for her life from the Hunters. He ran fast as the wind with a bow in his hand and a sword at his waist. But it was too late. When he found Leslie she was cornered by three Hunters. They were laughing at her, taunting her. Jesse was too far away, too far to stop what came next. One simple snap of their fingers and Leslie fell like a rock. Jesse charged with fury and anger and vengeance coursing through his veins. Before they really knew what had happened Jesse had put arrows through the hearts of two of them and as the third turned to face him he dropped his bow, drew his sword and put it with all the strength he could muster through the last Hunter's skull. With the threat gone Jesse rusted to his fallen wife. She was still alive but whatever the Hunter did had already gone too far. He could see the light in her eyes dimming. For those last few moments Jesse held his wife. She looked at him with the life draining from her and she gave him her last request. "Let our children grow up where they're not caged like animals in a mountain, where they can watch the world without fear." She said her arm clutching his shoulder, and then a few minutes later it fell cold and white. Jesse Sinclair took his wife's last words to heart. Over the next three years he banished magic from Terabinthia. He formed an army of the last normal humans on the island. Together this army marched over Terabinthia killing the Demons, the Necromancers, beasts and monsters. Then for those few that meant no harm to anyone he set up a safe haven on a distant island that had such treacherous waters surrounding it that leaving was suicide. Finally Terabinthia was at peace. The humans came out of hiding and in the next twelve years turned Terabinthia from the barren cut throat wasteland into a thriving civilization. Cities and towns and trade and politics developed. Most supervised by Jesse Sinclair who had been crowned King for his services. But as I said before this is not the story of Jesse and Leslie Sinclair. This is the story of their children, Thea, now age fifteen and Hadrian, seventeen. As Leslie had begged of Jesse they had grown up in a world where nothing but there duties as royalty caged them. Hadrian and Thea have had everything they wanted all their lives, as the Prince and Princess of the Kingdom of Terabinthia. As siblings go they're about as close as a brother and sister can be. After all there weren’t a lot of friends for them to make. Hadrian and Thea were having an argument one day, something trivial that neither of them really remembers. As the discussion became heated Hadrian's hair burst into flames and his eyes turned the gold of a bonfire, while Thea's arms became coated in ice and her own eyes turned to cold blue disks. As soon as they appeared Hadrian and Thea's disbelief drove the anger away along with the magic. That was not the end. There had been several witnesses while they argued on the balcony. Thea and Hadrian after an argument between King Jesse and his brother were taken to the dungeon by the guards of the castle. Jesse's position as King had started to grow unstable over the years. He could not afford to weaken it any more by letting his children off easy on a crime that at the least warranted banishment to another island and at most death. If he let them go his brother, someone who'd been trying to grab the throne for years would use it as a catalyst to stir up the lords against Jesse in a bloody civil war. Jesse loved his children but they were not worth the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians. The best he could do for them was to get them the least sever charge, banishment to the island that had adopted the name Power's Vocal Point because all the forbidden power of Terabinthia rested there. In a matter of hours the Prince and Princess of Terabinthia became just another couple of magicians shipped off to the island that no one ever returned from. [b]Name:[/b] Hadrian Sinclair [b]Magic Type:[/b] Fire [b]Age (should be at least 13):[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/1236088_297138127093023_124029501_n.jpg]Hadrian[/url] [b]Biography:[/b] Hadrian's led a privileged life. He doesn't really remember his earlier years during the war, only after his father took control of Terabinthia. His father as best he could tried to teach Hadrian to appreciate the things he had. It worked somewhat. Hadrian got used to doing a lot of things that other nobles would have their servant’s do, like saddling his own horse. He is rather quick to anger especially concerning his family. His sister often has to calm him down. He likes to always be doing something, usually breaking the rules. He is energetic which often causes him to appear impatient. He likes to learn almost anything especially, strategy and weapons. [b]Other:[/b] He is an expert marksman with a bow just like his father [b]Name:[/b] Thea Sinclair [b]Magic Type:[/b] Ice [b]Age (should be at least 13):[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/q71/1173636_297137960426373_1303466991_n.jpg]Thea[/url] [b]Biography:[/b] Thea and her brother are very close often doing almost everything together. It's rare to see them apart and even rarer to see them argue. Thea is a lot more reserved than her brother. She tends to look at things more logically than emotionally. The banishment hit her hard. Not just the change in surroundings but the fact that her father had chosen his kingdom over his children. She is often cold and hostile with new people but once you get past her tough shell she's smart and interesting to talk too. She can move around completely silently which is good for sneaking 'round late at night. Out of Character: (Okay being honest here I'm knew and I don't know exactly how this works,and I couldn't seem to locate and FAQ page. I just wrote down an idea I had rattling around in my head. I don't know if you PM me to sign up or if you just put up a character so if someone could give me a hand that would be really nice. Oh and if anyone's interested I sort of need someone to play Thea.)