[center][b]Shinichi Kyousuke “Welcome to Manual Labor"[/b][/center] [b]”It is indeed amazing what people will do as a group for something they believe in. The only bad part about this is that it causes more harm than good. Wars and what not. I guess that’s just in human nature though, and there is no changing that.”[/b] Shinichi glanced over his team once more. Niji was scanning the map and Kamiria was staring out into what seemed like nothingness. Maybe she was just thinking to herself. The sky darkened a little bit and eventually the trio made it close enough to the town to actually make out buildings and lights. It seemed as if it was a simple town, maybe no more than 20 or so buildings, just from a glance but what really surprised Shinichi was the fact that multiple carts pulled by horses were entering and leaving the town at what seemed like lightning speed. Obviously it wasn’t that fast but Shinichi had never seen something like it. People were dedicated to fulfilling these deliveries, even at what seemed like every minute of the day. Analyzing the town even more Shinichi was able to clearing see the fruits of the townsfolk’s labors. Stacks of lumber were placed neatly in stockpiles as well as roofing material and other assorted construction material. Obviously this town wanted to bounce back as fast as they could. [b]”Well you two…it looks like we made it.”[/b] They all continued onward until they reached a stockpile dedicated strictly to stones which will obviously be used to construct more buildings later on. Standing near the pile was a bald headed man with a clipboard, his face was adorned with wrinkles obviously from age but his skin and muscle tone looked much younger then himself. Perhaps it was due to working in construction that this old man in what could be his forties looks as if he was in his early 20s, minus the wrinkles. [b]”Greetings, Kinuta, we’ve arrived from the Hidden Cloud to help out with your town’s rebuilding project”[/b] Shinichi, wanting to appear professional tried to cut out most of the casual banter he usually participates in. [b]”Although it seems as if you already have this covered”[/b] he smiled, finally finding a great time gauge how laid back this man was. The bald man known as Kinuta looked up from his clipboard which he was keeping inventory on and smiled towards Shinichi, his smile becoming much more prominent then the jounin’s. [b]”Why hello you three.”[/b] his voice was energetic and strong at the same time. As he spoke the old man inches closer, eventually patting Shinichi on the back in a friendly matter, surprisingly enough this actually caused Shinichi to flinch a little bit just from the sheer strength of the impact. This man was definitely not a weak old guy. [b]”Don’t worry. We only have a small fraction of everything covered. You didn’t think we’d call you down all this way for nothing now did you?”[/b] at this point Kinuta has his hand placed on Shinichi’s shoulder obviously intending to lead him some place. [b]Now if you would all follow me…your chariot awaits”[/b] and with that Shinichi followed beside Kinuta. Kinuta led the trio to a cart lounging on the ground next to a large 3 by 2 stack of barrels stacked 2 high. Just from the site it was obvious to Shinichi that Kinuta wanted them to load and deliver whatever was in said barrels. ((I’d write more but I don’t want to have to start godmoding a lot so have at it Glitchy))