Blue Glitter - I don't know if you can add all that cultural/descriptive stuff for a race you did not create? Now where does it say that the Rewan are stone workers isolated from the rest of the world. ?? Also Its says there skin color is like ash (light grey). - - - - - - - - - - - - - The final major race, the Rewan, are, despite their unearthly beauty, a side-effect of humans. Having no natural magic of their own and shunned by the other species, the Rewan are practically immune to the other races' arcane arts. Spells falter within five feet of them, and a Terna's strength will desert him or her, leaving them with ordinary abilities. A Rewan is tall and graceful, with skin like that of purest ash. Their eyes are, nearly without exception, blue. They tend to be more skittish and timid than other races, and few Rewan are seen outside of their village of Hefil in the frigid glaciers of Xew. - - - - - - - - - - - -