and more... people defending me when I wasn't insulted. *grins* I must admit I do have differing opinions. I do know for a fact there are places on this planet where a female cannot show her face without being killed and nobody is going to have an easy time convincing me otherwise. Heck, I was thrown out of a Baptist church for asking "improper" questions like... if God was perfect and he has learned how to be more compassionate through the actions of his avatar Jesus wouldn't that imply that he was imperfect to begin with? Anyhow, back to the more exciting stuff: --The PCs fail to defend a princess. As one of the few survivors of they are the only one's capable of pursuing her kidnappers and intercepting them before they reach the EVIL LAIR(tm)! Who knows what they have planned for the princess. --A caravan is attacked, we the common merchants, caravan guards and whatnot, had no clue that the caravan was carrying a powerful artifact or the remains of deceased orc khan (chief of chiefs, demigod or whatever). Now the artifact/remains must be recovered before the artifact is used or, in the case of the remains, are resurrected and he can resume his campaign to take over the world. --Siege! For some reason, the horde outside wants to desperately get in, maybe the PC's have something of value. (Mcguffins like the Khan's remains, the ancient artifact "Crown of Winter" or something of that nature). The PCs all die one by one, horribly, making way for the next group of PCs. --Stormtroopers arrive and start conquering the world. They are near unstoppable. Only the greatest heroes have any success against them and only using guerrilla style tactics. The armoured soldiers are quite in awe of those that "use the force", whatever that means. :) Okay... that last was only slightly serious but could still make for an awesome roleplay.