Aurora nods to Sven and Jemma as they both try to comfort her in their own way; she smiles to reassure them that's it's alright. Not long afterwards, Dash makes an appearance, landing on a knee with a soft thump, as he rose he said, [b]“We have to do what we can, and we need to do it soon.”[/b][b] "Mhm, over there... isn't that Erika coming at us?"[/b] says Aurora; within a few minutes Erika had dropped down onto the rooftop. [b]"If you all want to be bait, then we should head out now. Stop wasting time. Do you [i]want[/i] the titans to get further in?"[/b] said Erika, Aurora smiled knowing that it's her quick application of ODM gear that's kept her alive thus far; she makes for very good bait. A gust of wind suddenly rolled across the top of the building; it wasn't not strong, but it was substantial enough to toss Aurora's hair majestically in it. [b]"...I may not be as good as you guys... but I'm definitely not backing down! Come on, guys, let's go be titan bait!"[/b] she says before doing a front flip off the edge of the building and firing off her anchors after Erika and Jemma, she let out a very out of place, [b]"Woohoo~!"[/b], thoroughly enjoying her ODM as she trails away from the building behind the others. Aurora thought back to a time in their training when the recruits played capture-the-flag with their ODM equipped in order to help discern those with better grasp of the practical use of ODM. The teams were large, fifty-on-fifty, she can't quite recall who all was there, though it was definitely possible some of the top-tenners were. She remembers the bright green flare being fired over the treetops signalling the beginning of the match. Her omnidirectional mobility gear secured itself in tree after tree after tree as she rushed alongside her team towards their objective; not yet knowing what's in store.