[quote=Delta1038]Didn't word that right, I meant that my presence was (as of this message and that little double post thing) confined to page 21. I have looked at the other CSes and you seem to be missing that Redguard, Saasi? in your list. Interesting group of people.[/quote] Thank you for the compliment on the group. ^^ It will be interesting to see how the meeting of the your character's with the group goes in the end. Albeit they're not the Silver Hand, but they hunt Lycans too. I wonder if they will react when Rawlith-Dar finally reveals his Lycanthropy. His isn't one they could determine outright, him being trained and having the years to master it and such. Edit: Going to post now(AND I MEAN PUNCHING A COW IN THE FACE AND WRITING TILL MY BRAIN HURTS TO GET IT DONE WITH A DIE-HARD FORCE). Until I return.. Here is Dovahkat. [IMG]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/023/b/4/here__at_the_end_of_all_the_things__by_darrengeers-d73dy37.jpg[/IMG]