I'm having to go Canon St George. but it was scrapped, so... Name: Saint George Title: The Dragon-Slaying Saint Class: Lancer Gender: Male Birth and Death Dates: About 280 to 301. Alignment: Lawful Good Height: 180cm Weight: 95kg Personality: He is an upright man who tasks himself to protect the meager, indiscriminate in his kindness. It is his firm belief that anyone is capable of error, and that anyone is capable of learning from their mistakes and returning to path of virtue; those who would oppress others and permit violence to rule their hearts and actions have merely fallen prey to their own weakness. On his watch, however, none shall be permitted to injure others; and if necessary, his sword shall be drawn intervene. A lover of travel, he has recently grown interested in the cameras of the modern era. Appearance: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/067/2/a/saint_george_by_hikari_akagi-d4s3e9x.jpg[/img] ((Said I could use this, not the canon looks.)) Weapon: Ascalon: The Blessed Sword By Which Force is Slain Interfectum Dracones: Dragon Slayer Parameters: Strength: D Endurance: A Plus Agility: C Plus Plus Mana: D Luck: A Plus Class Skills: Magic Resistance: A In the Servant's era of origin -- when Magecraft still retained its ancient strength -- countless wielders of the arcane arts attempted to bring him low with their spells, but he managed to emerge unscathed. For his skill in this ability, it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer.". Riding: B Though classed as a Rider, and noted in his heroic legend to defeated a dragon on horseback, the Servant is not exceptionally skilled in mounted maneuverability. He receives a class bonus in this ability as a Servant, but in life, his apparent expertise in riding would be rightfully attributed to the skill of his trusted steed, Bayard. Bio: Saint George is a saint of the Catholic Church whose main stories are in the Golden Legend, a collection of legends on saints, and in the Seven Champions of Christendom. In the Golden Legend (黄金伝説抄, ?), he was passing through a village that offered a sacrifice to calm a dragon, and defeated the dragon by throwing his spear. Having captured the dragon, he killed it only on the condition that the whole country the village was in adopted Christianity. In the Seven Champions of Christendom (キリスト教圏の七勇士, ?), he was kidnapped by a witch and raised by her, but he realized she was evil and sealed her in a cave, releasing 6 other saints from the same circumstances. He then went to Egypt and rescued a princess offered as a sacrifice to a dragon, killing the dragon by striking it at a spot uncovered by scales with Ascalon, a sword offered to him by the witch who had raised him. Personal Skills: Battle Continuation: A Beloved by the World, the unyielding force of life within the Servant permits the continuation of combat even in the event of fatal injury. He is further driven by a conscientiousness of the faith and expectations of those he desires to protect. A divine protection from the Earth rooted in the veneration of Georgius as a Patron of Harvest.[1] Instinct: C Upon engagement, the Servant is capable of optimizing his position by identifying and exploiting favorable developments. However, the skill cannot be activated except for defensive purposes. The Servant typically uses this ability to vaguely divine the intent of an opponent so as to determine whether engagement is an appropriate course of action, or if the opponent is an "enemy that must be fought." Guardian Knight: A Plus The Servant receives a temporary attribute bonus if acting in the defense of others. A protector of numerous nations and expansive regions in life, the Servant is capable of deriving effectively unlimited defensive capabilities from those who place their faith and expectations in him. END is treated as Rank-Up when acting in someone's defense. Soul of a Martyr: B Nullification of mental interference through firmness of faith. In life, the Servant endured persecution and torture at the hands those who would see him denounce his faith, but never once did he falter in his ministry of Christ. Divinity: C As the Servant was revered as a saint in the medieval era, the strength of his nature as a divine spirit is equivalent in rank to the deities of minor cults and the forgotten gods of yore. Incidentally, the name "Georgius" was originally related in sense to the tilling of the earth in ancient farming communities -- rooted in the reverence of the Middle Eastern God of Harvest, Ba'al. Noble Phantasm: Name: Ascalon Title: The Blessed Sword By Which Force is Slain Rank: C NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1-2 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Description: An invincible weapon that delivers its holder from those who would intend harm. Its "invincibility" comes not from capacity to defeat foes, but capacity to defend from all harm. However, by reversing its protective power, it can becomes a sword that pierces through any kind of armor. Name: Abyssus Draconis Title: Thou Shalt a Serpent Become Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Army Range: 1-5 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Description: An Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that transfigures a given target into a draconian being. Though said function appears to be associated with the Servant's cross-emblazoned surcoat, strictly speaking, the phenomenon is implemented through the Servant's unshakeable faith; the surcoat is merely a focus, and cannot independently activate as a Noble Phantasm. Name: Interfectum Dracones Title: Dragon Slayer Rank: C plus NP Type: Anti-Unit / Anti-Dragon Range: 5-40 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Description: A gestalt Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm generated through the interaction of the Servant's nature as a slayer of dragons and the capabilities of Ascalon, dealing massive damage to beings of draconian origin. The blade form deployed in melee combat can be used as a medium to release lance-like projectiles of light, piercing targets at long range.[ Name: Name: Bayard Title: The Phantom War Horse Rank: B+ NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Description: A magical white horse, conferred to the Servant by a witch who fell in love with him despite initial intentions to bewitch and tempt in the chronicles of the "Seven Champions of Christendom." He who rides upon Bayard is impervious to harm, and -- for one time only -- capable of completely nullifying a lethal attack.