In the hall Reem noticed another Mandalorian talking with a Wookiee Jedi. He identified him by the armor design he wore as a son of Kast, a smaller clan on Mandalore with which he had a good relationship with. Though Reem did not recognize the man. Reem knew the [i]Allit'alor[/i] personally as well as many of the clan elders whom he had fought alongside with during the clan wars. Kast were great warriors and Reem had kept in contact with Kast ever since as trade partners and allies. The Wookie Jedi Kast was speaking with should be none other than Master Rorwoorr as Master Dorn had informed him about. There was a woman who wore Mandalorian armor he did not recognize, it could mean anything. There were clans who isolated themselves or had left Mandalore entirely, but there was something odd about her. Part of him wanted to confront her and ask her who she was. He remained quiet about it. Reem nodded at Kast in acknowledgment then at the Wookiee who had bowed to greet him. The Wookiee gave Reem a comlink and instructions in [i]Shyriiwook[/i]. He understood every word. [b]"I understand your tongue and have no need for your protocol droid."[/b] The Wookiee reminded him of his best friend [i]Wyrryshrook[/i], he missed having his partner around. She always brightened his mood. The Wookiee Jedi gave off a very peaceful and comforting vibe, as if everything was going to be okay. That's how he felt around Wyrry. Reem instantly trusted what Rorwoorr said as genuine That was rare instance and something the Mandalorian didn't do lightly, especially for a Jedi; but, the Wookiee was truthfully concerned for the people of Mandalore. Anyone who cared for the [i]Mando'ade[/i] was a friend of Reem. He had only known the Jedi for five minutes and Reem had silently pledged his allegiance to him. [b]"I am honored to serve you Master Rorwoorr, and I would be greatly honored to fight by your side,"[/b] Reem offered his hand in custom with Mandalorian covenant and shook hands with the Wookiee. He also offered his arm to Kast. [b]"Kast, It's always a pleasure to be in the presence of [i]ner vod, al burc'ya vaal burk'yc, burc'ya veman[/i]."[/b]